Feature Set
P/N 59332202
Trademark Information
OKI and Oki Data are registered trademarks and OKIFAX is a
trademark of Oki Electric Industry Company, Ltd.
Touch-Tone is a registered trademark of American Telephone
and Telegraph.
UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Ltd.
Apple, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, KanjiTalk and MacOS
Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer
ZIP Code is a registered trademark of the United States Postal
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Rank Xerox Ltd.
Other product names and brand names are registered
trademarks or trademarks of their proprietors.
Eudora is a registered trademark of the University of Illinois
Board of Trustees, licensed to QUALCOMM Incorporated.
QUALCOMM, Eudora Pro and Eudora Light are registered
trademarks and Eudora Internet Mail Server, Qpopper, Eudora
WorldMail, WorldMail, and PureVoice are trademarks of
QUALCOMM Incorporated.
Internet Explorer, Excel, MS-DOS, Outlook, Windows,
Windows NT, and Word registered trademarks or a trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
JetSuite is a trademark of eFAX.com.
Netscape, Netscape Messenger, Netscape Navigator are
registered trademarks of Netscape Communications
Corporation, U.S. and other countries.
NetWare is a registered trademark of US Novell Inc.
Options User’s Guide: English
Second Tray......................................................... 4
Second Paper Tray ................................................................ 4
Installation ........................................................................... 4
Overview of Options and Consumables ............ 1
General Information ............................................................. 1
Obtaining.............................................................................. 1
Part Numbers ...................................................................... 2
Consumables ................................................................... 2
Options ............................................................................ 2
Options by Model ................................................................ 3
OKIFAX 5750 .................................................................. 3
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line ................................................. 3
OKIFAX 5950 T.37 .......................................................... 3
OKIFAX 5950 T.38 .......................................................... 3
Memory................................................................ 5
Memory Expansion .............................................................. 5
Installation ........................................................................... 6
OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX Kit) .......................... 7
General Information ............................................................. 7
Installation ........................................................................... 7
Activation ............................................................................. 8
Deactivation ......................................................................... 8
Using .................................................................................... 8
Handset ................................................................ 9
Handset ................................................................................. 9
Installation ........................................................................... 9
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Dual Line ........................................................... 10
What is Dual Line? ............................................................. 10
Benefits of Dual Line ......................................................... 10
Basic Operations ................................................................ 11
Unpacking ........................................................................ 13
Connecting to the Second Telephone Line ..................... 14
Displays, Reports, and Beeps ............................................. 14
Setting the Option Line Type for the Second Line ............ 15
Setting Memory Transmissions to Use the Second Line ... 15
T.37 Internet Fax .............................................. 16
Overview ............................................................................ 16
Operation Overview (End User) ....................................... 17
Information Provided .................................................... 17
General Conditions ....................................................... 17
Internet Fax Transmission ............................................. 18
Internet Fax Reception .................................................. 20
Accessing Network Settings .......................................... 21
Information Provided ....................................................... 23
User’s Guide ................................................................... 23
Warranty Document ....................................................... 23
Feature Set Guide .......................................................... 24
OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide ...................................... 25
Software Utilities CD-ROM ........................................... 25
Components of an Internet Fax........................................ 26
Header ............................................................................ 26
E-mail ............................................................................ 26
TIFF attachment(s) ......................................................... 26
What Your T.37 Internet Fax Machine Can Do................ 27
Feature Set Guide: English
Helpful Hints (T.37) ............................................................ 28
PSTN Faxing vs. Internet Faxing .................................. 28
Internet Fax .................................................................... 28
E-mailAddresses vs. PSTN (Phone) Numbers ............... 29
Status of Server .............................................................. 29
Backup / Archive (Network Scan) ................................. 29
Operation Overview ........................................................... 30
Installation ..................................................................... 30
Setup .............................................................................. 30
Customization ............................................................... 30
LAN Topologies and Operating Systems......................... 31
LAN ............................................................................... 31
Network Print Protocols................................................. 31
Internet Fax Protocols.................................................... 31
Management Protocols .................................................. 31
Set Up (on a Network) ........................................................ 32
Identifying Current Settings ............................................ 32
Settings Stored on the Fax Machine ............................. 32
Settings Recorded on the Network Card ....................... 33
Network Card Manual ...................................................... 34
7100e+ User’s Guide ...................................................... 34
Settings Stored on the Fax Machine ................................ 35
General Information....................................................... 35
Accessing Settings ......................................................... 35
List of User Functions (Network Settings) ....................... 36
Delete POP Message ...................................................... 39
Time Between GMT ...................................................... 40
Text Print ....................................................................... 40
Header Print ................................................................... 41
Coding Mode ................................................................ 41
Extra Fine Mode ............................................................ 42
IFAX Sender ID .............................................................. 42
Domain Name ................................................................ 43
Message Disposition Notification (MDN) .................... 44
Network Settings ........................................................... 46
Changing Settings ........................................................... 54
Settings Changed Only by Using the Web Page ........... 55
Settings Changed by Using the Web Page or the Menu 55
Settings Changed Only by Using OKIVIEW 32 ........... 56
Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page .......................... 57
Using OKIVIEW 32 ....................................................... 60
Telnet ............................................................................. 63
Customization .................................................................... 64
Programming e-mailAddresses ........................................ 64
Confirming e-mail Address Programming ..................... 66
E-mail Address Restrictions........................................... 66
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Using Internet Fax .............................................................. 67
Sending a Document ........................................................ 67
General Information....................................................... 67
Stopping a Transmission ............................................... 67
How to Send a Document .............................................. 68
Sending to a Non-Programmed E-mail .......................... 69
Limitations and Suggestions ......................................... 69
TIFF Format...................................................................... 70
Viewing TIFF Files ........................................................ 71
Receiving Internet Faxes ................................................. 72
Automatic Reception .................................................... 73
Manual Reception ......................................................... 73
Receiving TIFF files ........................................................ 74
Restrictions .................................................................... 74
Receiving e-mails (Body Text) ........................................ 75
Printing e-mails ............................................................. 75
Gateway Services (Forwarding) .......................................... 76
Faxes to an e-mail Address ............................................... 76
E-mails to a Fax Number .................................................. 77
Example ......................................................................... 78
Image Restrictions ......................................................... 78
Telephone Number Restrictions .................................... 78
MailAddress Format...................................................... 79
Domain Name Restrictions ............................................ 79
How it Works ................................................................. 80
Mail Server Settings for E-mail-to-FAX Gateway Service 81
DNS Server ..................................................................... 82
Mail Server .................................................................... 84
Mail Forwarding Process ............................................... 86
Network Scanner ................................................................ 87
Example ......................................................................... 87
How it Works ................................................................. 87
Image Resolution .......................................................... 88
IFAX Sender ID .............................................................. 88
Feature Set Guide: English
Network Printing ................................................................ 89
Printing Documents ......................................................... 89
Printing on Transparencies ............................................ 89
Operating Systems ........................................................... 90
NetWare ......................................................................... 90
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 ............................ 90
Windows 95/98 .............................................................. 91
Windows 3.1 .................................................................. 91
Other Operating Systems ............................................... 92
Configuring from Network Utilities .............................. 92
Configuration................................................................... 93
Settings .......................................................................... 94
User Functions ............................................................... 94
Banner Output .................................................................. 96
Problem Solving ................................................................. 97
End User ........................................................................... 97
Option Board Error ........................................................ 97
LAN Data Error .............................................................. 97
Network Problem ........................................................... 97
NetworkAdministrator ..................................................... 98
Service Codes ................................................................ 98
SMTP Error Codes ......................................................... 98
SMTP Protocol Error Codes .......................................... 99
POP3 Communication Errors ...................................... 100
Transmission Troubleshooting ...................................... 101
Reception Troubleshooting ........................................... 102
E-mail-to-Fax Troubleshooting ..................................... 104
Printing Troubleshooting .............................................. 109
OKIFAX 5750/5950
T.38................................................................... 110
Overview .......................................................................... 110
Information Provided ..................................................... 111
What Your T.38 Internet Fax Machine Can Do.............. 111
What is an Alias? ............................................................ 112
Example ....................................................................... 112
General Conditions ........................................................ 113
Helpful Hints (T.38) .......................................................... 114
PSTN Faxing vs. T.38 Faxing ...................................... 114
Internet Fax .................................................................. 115
“Real Time” Fax .......................................................... 115
Global vs. Private IPAddresses ................................... 115
Programming One-Touch Keys ................................... 115
T.38 vs. PSTN Communications .................................. 116
Status of Server ............................................................ 116
“#” Symbol .................................................................. 116
End User Information ....................................................... 117
Requirements ................................................................. 117
Limitations and Suggestions ......................................... 118
Operation ....................................................................... 119
Sending a T.38 Fax ...................................................... 119
Sending to a Non-Programmed Alias .......................... 121
Receiving a T.38 Fax ................................................... 121
Troubleshooting (End User) .......................................... 122
Error Codes (End User) ................................................ 122
Reports (End User) ....................................................... 123
Feature Set Guide: English
Installer (NetworkAdministrator) Information................. 124
Global vs. Private IPAddresses ...................................... 124
DHCP ............................................................................. 125
DHCP Setting (On or Off) ............................................ 125
Determine the DHCP Setting ....................................... 126
Windows NT DHCP Server Settings ............................ 127
Installation Process ........................................................ 129
Physical Installation .................................................... 129
Static IPAddress .......................................................... 130
Program the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gate-
way ............................................................................... 131
Install the T.38 Software .............................................. 132
Set Up the Address Table ............................................. 132
Provide Aliases to the End User................................... 133
Specifications................................................................. 134
T.38 Menu Options ........................................................ 135
Accessing Menu Options ............................................ 135
Problem Solving ............................................................ 136
No communication ...................................................... 136
The machine uses PSTN, not T.38 ............................... 137
Connecting private address to global addresses ......... 137
Communication errors occur ....................................... 137
Software Programs on the CD ........................................ 138
General Information..................................................... 138
Specifications .............................................................. 138
Installing the Software Programs ................................. 139
Accessing the Software Programs ................................ 139
IPFax Console Software ................................................. 140
Software Installation for a T.38 device ........................ 140
Status Screen ................................................................ 141
Display Screen ............................................................. 142
Change Screen ............................................................. 142
Network Settings ......................................................... 143
Gatekeeper ................................................................... 146
Address Table .............................................................. 149
Changing the Password ............................................... 153
Forget the Password? ................................................... 154
Updating the T.38 Board Firmware ............................. 156
Memory Dump ............................................................. 158
Version Information ..................................................... 159
Discovery Program ...................................................... 159
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Overview of Options
and Consumables
General Information
Before you order, have the correct part number and
description of the item.
This section of the Feature Set Guide covers where to obtain
the options and consumables for your facsimile machine.
· Consult the dealer where you purchased your fax machine.
· Consult an Oki Data Authorized Sales and Service Dealer.
This section also provides the part numbers for the options
and consumables.
For details about each option and consumable, refer to the
appropriate section of this Feature Set Guide.
Important: This machine will only operate using the
consumables and options specified by OKI for this
facsimile machine. The use of any other consumables or
options will result in the display of an operation error
The machine may malfunction.
Options vary according to the model of your machine.
Feature Set Guide: English
Part Numbers
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
Part Number Description
2 MB Memory Expansion Kit
4 MB Memory Expansion Kit
Part Number Description
8 MB Memory Expansion Kit
(also called OKI HRS600 [600 dpi TX kit])
500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
Toner Cartridge Kit, Type 5 TL
Image Drum Kit, Type 5 (F)
Multifunction Product (MFP) PC Interface
Sheet: One Touch (1 - 40, Top Level)
Sheet: One Touch (41 - 80, Bottom Level)
OKI HRS600 [600 dpi TX kit]
(also called 8 MB Memory Expansion)
Dual Line Option
T.37 Internet Fax/Lan Kit
T.38 Real Time Internet Fax Kit
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Options by Model
OKIFAX 5950 Dual Line
500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
T.38 “Real Time” Internet Fax Kit
OkiLAN 7100e+ 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Internal Print
Server Kit
OKIFAX 5950 T.37
500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
MFP Option Kit (Multi-function PC Peripheral Kit)
OKI HRS600 [600 dpi TX kit]
(also called 8 MB Memory Expansion)
OKIFAX 5950 T.38
500 Sheet 2nd Paper Tray Kit (UST-550)
Feature Set Guide: English
Second Tray
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the
time of purchase.
Use them when installing the option.
Second Paper Tray
The second paper tray has a 500 sheet paper capacity.
With the second paper tray installed, the machine has a 750
sheet paper capacity (250 sheet standard tray plus 500 sheet
second tray).
When the main tray runs out of paper, the machine switches
to the second tray for uninterrupted printing.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Memory Expansion
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
Several memory expansion cards are available.
Each has a different memory storage capacity.
All page numbers given areAPPROXIMATES.
Your results may vary, depending on the nature of your pages.
An expandable memory slot is located under the back cover
of the machine.
Only one memory slot is available in your machine.
Therefore, only one of the available memory options
may be installed at one time.
You must have the 8 MB expansion card to utilize the
600 dpi TX feature.
Feature Set Guide: English
2 MB
4 MB
8 MB
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the
time of purchase.
160 pages of Option 2 MB memory
Use them when installing the option.
320 pages of Option 4 MB memory
This item is called the OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX)
640 pages of Option 8 MB memory
You must have the 8 MB expansion card to utilize the
600 dpi TX feature.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
(600 dpi TX Kit)
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the
time of purchase.
General Information
Use them when installing the option.
NOTE: this item is called the OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX Kit),
but it is also an 8 MB Memory Expansion Kit.
This option adds 8 MB of memory to your machine.
It allows you to
transmit using high-resolution
[600 dots-per-inch (dpi)], to a fax machine capable of
receiving at this resolution
scan documents at 600 dpi resolution
Feature Set Guide: English
To activate high-resolution scanning and faxing:
1 Press Menu.
To deactivate high-resolution scanning and faxing:
1 Press Menu.
2 Type 28 on the numeric keypad.
3 Select ON.
2 Type 28 on the numeric keypad.
3 Select OFF.
4 Press ENTER.
4 Press ENTER.
5 Press MENU.
5 Press MENU.
Now you can use the high-resolution scanning/faxing
The full amount of memory is available, regardless of
the setting for User Function 28.
The full amount of memory is available, regardless of
the setting for User Function 28.
1 Load your document.
2 Press the RESOLUTION button until EX. FINE is lit.
3 Fax as you normally would.
4 MB of memory is reserved for copying and receiving
at 600 dpi.
If a portion of that reserved memory is used for storing
faxes, you cannot receive or copy at 600 dpi.
You can always scan and transmit at 600 dpi.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
Installation instructions are provided with the option at the
time of purchase.
Use them when installing the option.
The optional handset connects directly to your fax machine
and works like a telephone.
Feature Set Guide: English
Dual Line
What is Dual Line?
Benefits of Dual Line
A fax machine with dual line has two modems. Dual line
expands the functionality of your machine.
A fax machine with dual line gives you the work capacity of
two fax machines in the space of one.
Two phone lines, each with a unique number, must be used
with the unit to fully use the dual line feature.
A fax machine with dual line makes an excellent relay key
station (hub) for relay faxing. If both lines are available for
transmission (sending), the relay fax process is done in half
the time of a single-line machine.
With two phone lines, the unit can handle more fax traffic.
The second line may be programmed to send and receive,
send only, or receive only.
A dual line machine makes it possible to always have a line
dedicated to receiving faxes.
For Line 1, you adjust the answering mode, dial, and
incoming call options.
For Line 2, you adjust the Option Line Type.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Basic Operations
Dual Line requires two telephone lines, each with a
unique telephone number.
You control the use of the two lines of your Dual Line
machine by the way you
Both lines must be the same type (PSTN or PBX).
They must both be analog lines.
1 program your machine
2 share the telephone numbers of the lines
Be careful how you share the telephone numbers.
All transmissions using the second line are done from
Make sure the distribution of the numbers matches how
you want to use the machine. If you want one line to
only transmit (send) faxes, don’t give out that number!
The second line may be programmed to send and
receive, send only, or receive only.
The machine will ALWAYS try to transmit (send) using
the first line before trying to use the second line.
For Line 1, settings are programmed through the
answering mode, dial, and incoming call options.
For Line 2, you set the Option Line Type.
Set the Option Line Type before using the second line.
Feature Set Guide: English
The second line does not have a speaker.
When working with a Dual Line fax machine, remember
that there is only one Sender ID, not two. You are
sending from one location (Sender ID), which uses two
Do not connect any external devices (such as an external
phone) to the second line.
When working with a Dual Line fax machine, remember
that there are two TSIs (Transmit Sender Identifications).
Each line has its own TSI. Refer to the User’s Guide,
“Setting Basic Features, Setting Your Fax Machine’s ID.”
Some phone companies offer an automatic rollover
feature as a service. Your fax machine will work with this
feature. Contact your phone company for more
information on the rollover feature.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Remove contents from the carton. Be sure that all the items
listed below are included.
If any items are missing, contact Oki Data immediately.
Keep your packing materials and carton in case you
need to ship or transport the unit.
1 Fax Machine
2 Toner cartridge
3 Image drum (inside machine)
4 Power cord
5 Telephone line cord(s)
6 Document Stacker
7 Documentation
User’s Guide
Features Set Guide
Warranty Information
Feature Set Guide: English
Connecting to the Second Telephone Line
1 The primary / first telephone line is connected to the LINE
Displays, Reports, and Beeps
The display usually shows the status of the first telephone
line. Press HELP to display the status of the second
telephone line.
See the User’s Guide, “Installation, Setting Up Your
Machine, Connecting to the Telephone Line.”
The end of a communication (a fax is sent or received) is
indicated by a beep. Any beeps are for the line (first or
second) being displayed. No beeps sound for the line not
being displayed.
2 The second telephone line is connected to the second line
jack [dual line access] (2).
3 Insert the other end into the wall jack for the second
telephone line.
Continuous Tone, Speed Access no. 63 must be set to ON if
you want to know when the second line is active. The
second line does not have a separate audible alarm.
When looking at a report, any information related to the
second line is marked with a “#” symbol.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Setting the Option Line Type for the
Second Line
Setting Memory Transmissions to
Use the Second Line
The second line type may be set to:
You must set the Option Line Type for the Second Line
before programming Delayed Transmissions (Memory)
to use the Second Line.
Send (transmit) only (TX)
Receive only (RX)
The Option Line Type must be set to TX or ALL for use
with the Delayed Transmission (Memory) function.
Send and Receive (ALL)
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
For more information on Delayed Transmission, see the
User’s Guide, “Advanced Operations, Delayed Fax
2 Input speed access no. 31 (Option Line Type).
3 Press ᮢ or ᮡ to select the desired mode, press Enter.
4 Press Menu/Exit to return to standby mode.
Feature Set Guide: English
T.37 Internet Fax
Operation Overview (End User)
T.37 Internet Fax is an easy-to-use feature that is difficult to
This section should be used as a quick-reference for using the
your T.37 Internet Fax.
This overview has several sections to help you understand
T.37 Internet Fax.
This section does not provide detailed explanations of
features or settings. Other sections provide these details.
Operation Overview (End User)
Information Provided
Components of an Internet Fax
What Your T.37 Internet Fax Machine Can Do
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Operation Overview (End User)
Information Provided
The following items provide the information you will need to
use your fax machine.
To make a LAN connection, the following information must
be configured on this machine. Ask your network
administrator about these settings.
User’s Guide
Warranty Document
Feature Set Guide
OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide
Software Utilities CD-ROM
an IPAddress
Default Gateway
If the LAN uses a DHCP server, it is not necessary to
configure these settings as the server will do it automatically.
General Conditions
To use Internet Fax,
Internet Fax settings can be configured either using the
network tool or on the machine itself, but DHCP settings are
supported by the network tool only.
a Network Card must be installed in the machine
the machine must be connected to a LAN
After setting the correct IP Address, SubnetMask and Default
Gateway, configure the machine for Internet Fax
The Network Card for this machine can be connected to a
10 BaseT
10/100baseTX LAN.
Feature Set Guide: English
Internet Fax Transmission
General Information
To send an Internet Fax message, you need a mail server from
which to send e-mail.
These settings are similar to those of popular mail clients
such as Netscape Messenger, Outlook and Eudora.
Please consult your network administrator about the settings
listed below, which are required in order to make a
connection to the mail server.
You can start transmission when these settings have been
To send a fax, place a document on the machine and press the
one-touch button on which the e-mail address of the recipient
has been registered; the document will be scanned into
memory and before transmission.
SMTP ServerAddress / Name
DNS Server’s IPAddress
Host Name
The data will be converted into a TIFF file and sent to the
OKIFAX 5750/5950
SMTP Server Address / Name
Host Name
Enter the SMTP server name or IPAddress.
Enter the host name of this machine.
If entering the server’s IPAddress, be sure to type the dots
(full-stops) dividing the numbers.
If you do not know the host name, enter the e-mail address
of this machine instead.
E-mail Address
You may enter a server name only if a DNS server has been
Enter the e-mail address assigned to this machine.
This setting is not required if the SMTP server has been
specified by its IPADDRESS.
A DNS server can convert a server name into an IP
Feature Set Guide: English
Internet Fax Reception
General Information
The machine is ready to receive Internet Fax messages when
these settings have been configured.
To receive an Internet Fax message, you need a mail server
for sending e-mail.
To receive a fax message, the machine will access the server
automatically at regular intervals according to the POP
Interval Time setting.
Please consult your network administrator about the settings
listed below, which are required in order to make a
connection to the mail server.
If there is mail, the machine will print it out automatically.
POPServerAddress / Name
DNS Server’s IPAddress
POP Server User Name
POP Server Password
This machine only receives TIFF files and text-format mail.
It cannot receive files in other formats (such as Word, Excel,
and certain formats of TIFF files).
OKIFAX 5750/5950
POP Server Address / Name
Accessing Network Settings
Enter the POP server name or IPAddress.
From the Fax Machine Front Panel
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
When entering the server’s IPAddress, be sure to enter the
dots (full-stops) dividing the numbers.
2 Using the numeric keypad, enter the User Function
Number (see the following list).
You may enter a server name only if a DNS server has been
3 Press ᮢ orᮡ until the desired setting is selected.
4 Press Enter to access the selections for the setting.
5 Key in or select the desired information.
6 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
DNS Server’s IP Address
This setting is not required if the POP server has been
specified by its IPADDRESS.
ADNS server can convert a server name into an IPADDRESS.
POP Server User Name
Enter the user name assigned to this machine for accessing
the POPserver.
POP Server Password
Enter the password assigned to this machine for accessing the
Feature Set Guide: English
List of Settings
User Function 93
Network Settings
User Function 80
User Function 81
User Function 82
User Function 83
User Function 84
User Function 85
User Function 86
User Function 87
User Function 88
User Function 89
User Function 90
User Function 91
User Function 92
Auto Tray Switch
Paper Size Check
LAN Print T.O.
POP Interval
Delete POP Message
Time Between GMT
Text Print
Header Print
Coding Mode
Extra Fine Mode
IFAX Sender ID
Domain Name
11: FAX E-mailAddress
12: DSN
Message Disposition Notification
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Information Provided
The following items provide the information you will need to
use your fax machine.
User’s Guide
The User’s Guide provides the information common to all
User’s Guide
Warranty Document
Feature Set Guide
OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide
Software Utilities CD-ROM
Warranty Document
The Warranty Document provides the warranty, service and
support, and Material Safety Data Sheet information for this
product series.
Each item is explained below.
Feature Set Guide: English
Feature Set Guide
The Feature Set Guide provides the information unique to
Dual Line
each option of the product series.
This section provides the information unique to the Dual
Line configuration of the product series.
Second Paper Tray
This section provides the information about the second
paper tray option for the product series.
T.37 Internet Fax
This section provides the information unique to the T.37
Internet Fax configuration of the product series.
Memory Options
This section provides the information about the memory
options for the product series.
OKI HRS600 (600 dpi Transmission)
This section provides the information about the 600 dpi
Transmission option for the product series.
This section provides the information about the handset
option for the product series.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide
The OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide provides the information
about the network card used with this product series.
The OKIVIEW 32 Utility provides a simple, quick way of
configuring and maintaining Oki network printers on a
Novell network. The main screen contains the OKIVIEW
Printer List of network printers. The main screen also
provides the starting point to select and manage print devices
from Windows 95, 98 and NT workstations on the network.
Software Utilities CD-ROM
The Software Utilities CD-ROM includes the following
Network Print Driver
OKI Print Monitor Utility
Network Print Driver
The Network Print Driver enables network printing from your
fax machine.
Each item is explained below.
The Network Print Driver supports only network
printing. Network faxing is not supported. You can print
and fax locally through the parallel port using a print
driver supplied with JetSuite Pro.
OKI Print Monitor Utility
The OKI Print Monitor Utility enables printing from a
Windows 95, 98 or NT server. OKI Print Monitor provides
you with bi-directional communication over a network.
Feature Set Guide: English
Components of an Internet Fax
A fax sent over the Internet has three components.
The e-mail includes the To, From, and Date information.
TIFF attachment(s)
It may include RE: (Subject) and body text (e-mail message).
The To, From, and Date information are automatically
generated as part of the Internet Faxing process. However,
they are based on information programmed by the user.
Your ability to receive, view, or print these components will
vary according to the settings of different functions.
The subject and message (if used) can be determined by the
The header includes all routing information for the path your
Internet Fax followed from the time it was sent to the time it
was received.
TIFF attachment(s)
The TIFF attachment(s) are the “fax” part of the Internet Fax.
The header is automatically generated as part of the Internet
Faxing process.
The content of the TIFF attachments is determined by the end
user. The conversion to TIFF and file handling are part of the
Internet Faxing process.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
What Your T.37 Internet Fax Machine Can
T.37 Internet Fax is a feature with many capabilities.
This unit can
Internet faxes differ from traditional faxes in these
send and receive faxes via a Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN)
Although your OKIFAX has security features, faxes sent
over the Internet are more vulnerable to interception
than faxes sent over the PSTN.
send and receive faxes via the Internet
print via a Local Area Network (LAN)
act as a network scanner
act as a Gateway service
act as a convenience copier
There is no way to verify that a message has been
received by the machine to which it was addressed.
Feature Set Guide: English
Helpful Hints (T.37)
PSTN Faxing vs. Internet Faxing
Your fax machine has many features and capabilities that will
help you
PSTN Faxing is fax communication conducted via telephone
lines. You are probably familiar with PSTN faxing. PSTN
Faxing requires telephone numbers and telephone lines.
operate the machine
save money
Internet Faxing is fax communication conducted via the
Internet. It resembles e-mail communications more than it
does PSTN faxing. Internet Faxing requires e-mail addresses,
mail servers, Internet connections, and fax machines capable
of Internet Faxing.
save time
“Help and Helpful Hints” in the User’s Guide summarizes the
features and capabilities directly connected to saving money
and time.
Internet Fax
“Helpful Hints (T.37)” provides tips that help you use your
T.37 Internet Fax to its fullest.
Internet Fax is a term with several meanings, depending on
Internet Fax can mean
fax communication conducted via the Internet.
a fax machine capable of Internet Faxing.
the document (fax) sent via the Internet.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
E-mail Addresses vs. PSTN (Phone) Numbers
Backup / Archive (Network Scan)
You cannot combine e-mail addresses and telephone numbers You can use your fax machine to create digital versions of
in one communication session.
What does this mean?
documents you only have in hardcopy form.
To do this, send the document as an Internet Fax to your e-
mail address. When the document is scanned, a TIFF version
of the document is created. By sending it to yourself, you
will have a digital version of the hardcopy document. You
can then use various software packages to work with the
digital (TIFF) version. One possible software package is an
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) package
You can send a fax to several e-mail addresses or several
telephone numbers, but not a combination of e-mail
addresses and telephone numbers.
Status of Server
Internet Faxing is conducted over the Internet via network
If the servers are down, running slowly, or experiencing other
problems, Internet Faxing will be adversely affected.
Feature Set Guide: English
Operation Overview
Before the machine is used, three processes must be
Installation covers the physical procedures, such as removing
the unit from the shipping packaging, connecting the power,
telephone, and network lines, installing consumables.
Installation may be performed by anyone.
Refer to “Installation” in the User’s Guide for more
Installation and setup requirements may vary from
system to system.
Setup covers the network installation procedures, such as
establishing the IP Addresses and configuring the network
A network administrator will perform setup.
Customization covers the programming procedures, such as
One-Touch keys, machine settings, and network settings.
You can perform some of the customization procedures.
Others must be performed by a network administrator.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
LAN Topologies and Operating Systems
Listed below are the LAN topologies and operating systems
supported by your fax machine.
10base-T Ethernet
Network Print Protocols
100base-TX Ethernet (Fast Ethernet)
Operating systems supported by the printer driver:
Windows 3.1
Internet Fax Protocols
Windows 95
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
NetWare 3.x
NetWare 4.x
When printing, Macintosh and UNIX are not supported.
Management Protocols
Feature Set Guide: English
Set Up (on a Network)
Settings Stored on the Fax Machine
The Configuration Report lists the current settings of the
facsimile machine.
Identifying Current Settings
When your fax machine is setup on a network, settings for the
machine are located in two places.
Printing the Configuration Report
settings stored on the fax machine
settings recorded on the network card
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
2 Press ᮡ to select Report Print, press Enter.
3 Press ᮢ orᮡ until the report you want appears on the
display. Press Enter.
4 Print all the reports you want, then press Menu/Exit to
return to standby mode.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Settings Recorded on the Network Card
There are two ways to print a report of the settings recorded
on the network card.
Using the Fax Machine’s Menu
The Configuration Report lists the current settings of the
facsimile machine.
using the fax machine’s menu:
print the NIC Configuration Report or the
NIC Information Report
Printing the NIC Configuration Report or
the NIC Information Report
pressing a button on the network card
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
2 Press ᮡ to select Report Print, press Enter.
3 Press ᮢ orᮡ until the report you want appears on the
display. Press Enter.
4 Print all the reports you want, then press Menu/Exit to
return to standby mode.
Feature Set Guide: English
Using the Button on the Network Card
Network Card Manual
7100e+ User’s Guide
Some Network Cards may not have a black button.
The 7100e+ User’s Guide, which is supplied with the
optional network card, explains how to use the Network
If yours does not, refer to the previous section, “Using
the Fax Machine’s Menu.”
The 7100e+ User’s Guide describes the installation of a
network card in an LED printer. Some of the operations in
the 7100e+ User’s Guide do not apply to your facsimile
1 Press the black button on the network card for three
2 Release the button.
The 7100e+ User’s Guide does not explain the functions of
Internet Fax.
3 Two reports print.
one report is similar to the NIC Information Report
(generated through the menu)
The 7100e+ User’s Guide does explain the Network Card
settings for Network Print. These settings apply to your
one report is the network card self-diagnostic report
If you turn the power on while pressing this button
down, the Network Card will initialize its settings.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Settings Stored on the Fax Machine
Accessing Settings
General Information
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
User Functions 80 to 93 are reserved for network settings.
2 Press ᮢ orᮡ until Setup appears on the display.
User Functions 80 to 82 are for network printing.
Press Enter.
User Functions 83 to 93 are for faxing using the Internet.
3 Press ᮢ orᮡ until LANOPTIONS appears on the display.
User Function 93, Network Settings, is used to configure the
network card. Network settings can also be changed over a
network, using various tools.
Press Enter.
4 Press ᮢ orᮡ until the desired setting (user function)
appears on the display.
If your network card cannot fax using the Internet,
User Functions 83 to 93 will not display.
You must work with your network administrator to
determine the correct information for many of the
Feature Set Guide: English
List of User Functions (Network Settings)
Explanations of each user function follow this list.
User Function 93
Network Settings
User Function 80
User Function 81
User Function 82
User Function 83
User Function 84
User Function 85
User Function 86
User Function 87
User Function 88
User Function 89
User Function 90
User Function 91
User Function 92
Auto Tray Switch
Paper Size Check
LAN Print T.O.
POP Interval
Delete POP Message
Time Between GMT
Text Print
Header Print
Coding Mode
Extra Fine Mode
IFAX Sender ID
Domain Name
11: FAX E-mailAddress
12: DSN
Message Disposition Notification
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Auto Tray Switch
User Function 80
Settings are: ON or OFF
Default is: OFF.
Paper Size Check
User Function 81
Settings are: ON or OFF
Default is: ON.
When Auto Tray Switch is set to ON, your fax machine will
use paper from another tray when paper runs out in one
Set to ON
If Paper Size Check is set to ON, an alarm displays when
the paper size specified from the PC does not match the
paper size specified for the tray of the fax machine.
The optional second tray must be installed for this to
When this alarm is displayed, put the correct size of paper
in the specified tray.
The same size paper must be installed in both trays.
Printing begins when the tray is closed.
After printing,
set the same paper as configured for the tray
change the tray configuration to the correct paper
Set to OFF
If Paper Size Check is set to OFF, printing occurs even if
the PC-specified and Paper Tray paper sizes don’t match.
Feature Set Guide: English
LAN Print T.O.
POP Interval
User Function 82
User Function 83
It is impossible to judge whether printing data is not being
transmitted due to network delay or the end of the data
stream. This time-out configuration allows the device to
cancel a print job when no printing data can be found after
a specified time has elapsed since the last data was
Use this to set the interval between POP receptions.
If the interval is set to 0, no automatic receptions occur. All
receptions are generated manually.
Available settings are 0 to 60 minutes, adjustable by the
The default setting is 5 minutes.
Do not change the default configuration unless it is
absolutely necessary.
Settings are: 5 sec., 30 sec., 5 min.
Default Setting is: 30 sec.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Delete POP Message
User Function 84
To correct this error
Use this to determine how the received e-mails are deleted
from the mail server.
Have the network administrator delete the received e-mails
(mail data) on the mail server.
If this user function is set to OFF, received e-mails remain on
the POP server until the Network Administrator deletes them.
Make sure there is no mail.
Activate the POP reception on your fax machine.
Available settings are:
This procedure will erase the log of the 50 previous
OFF: Do not delete mail
TYPE1: Delete only the mail your fax machine can print
TYPE2: Delete all mail
To prevent this error
If automatic POP reception is carried out while there is no
mail, the log will also be erased.
The default setting is Type 2.
50 Communications Limit
Regularly delete the received e-mails from the mail server,
keeping the number of records on the log below 50.
Your fax machine maintains a log of up to 50
This log prevents repeat receptions of any messages that
have already been read.
However, if there are more than 50 messages on the server,
you may experience errors.
Your fax machine will receive and print e-mails, but the log
will not be correct.
Feature Set Guide: English
Time Between GMT
Text Print
User Function 85
User Function 86
GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
This function determines if the body text of an e-mail is
Use this function to set the difference between your
machine’s local time and GMT.
If this function is set to ON, the text in e-mail is printed.
Available settings are: ON and OFF
The default setting is OFF.
This value must be entered correctly, or e-mail headers will
be wrong.
If you need help in determining the difference between your
time and GMT, a good reference website may be found at
Only US-ASCII characters will print.
Any characters that cannot be printed are shown as
Available settings are: 12 to -12, in one-hour increments.
The default setting is 0.
Text may not be printed or come out garbled, depending
on the mail client used.
In the United States, the difference is always a negative
East Coast Standard Time is -5.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Header Print
Coding Mode
User Function 87
User Function 88
This function determines how the e-mail header is printed.
This function determines the coding mode for the TIFF file
images sent by Internet Facsimile.
Text Print (User Function 86) must be ON for this setting
(Header Print) to be valid.
Available settings are: MH, MR, MMR.
Compression Rates:
Available settings are: OFF, TYPE1, and TYPE2
OFF: Header does not print. The message and any TIFF
attachments print.
TYPE1: SUBJECT/FROM/TO information prints.
TYPE2: All header information prints. This information
includes all routing and server information.
The default setting is MH.
The default setting is OFF.
Often, other manufacturers’Internet Fax products
support only MH.
Feature Set Guide: English
Extra Fine Mode
IFAX Sender ID
User Function 89
User Function 90
This function determines the scan resolution of the EX.FINE
mode for Internet Faxing.
This function determines if the sender ID is included with
images scanned by the Internet Fax.
Available settings are: 300 dpi or 600 dpi.
The default setting is 300.
Available settings are: ON or OFF.
The default setting is ON.
If you want to use 600 dpi scan resolution, the OKI
The setting for this function always applies when using
HRS600 (600 dpi TX) option (8 MB RAM) must be
Internet Fax.
IFAX Sender ID (User Function 89) is independent from
Sender ID On/Off (User Function 23).
If you are using your fax as a scanner, turn this setting
off. This prevents the sender ID data from appearing in
scanned images.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Domain Name
User Function 91
Domain Name Restrictions
This function is only used when setting up your fax machine
as a gateway for relay fax. This is also known as an off-ramp.
Up to five (5) domain names may be registered.
Each domain name may be up to 64-characters long.
This setting is required when forwarding e-mail received by
When a SMTP reception request is received, the e-mail
will be received only if the sender’s domain name
matches one of the registered domain names. If there is
no match, your fax machine assumes that the e-mail
cannot be received. Reception does not occur.
Data is received only from the registered (programmed)
domain names.
If you register network.com, only the e-mail from domain
network.com or its sub-domain will be received and
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols while
registering the domain name.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or key “0”
of the numeric ten-key pad.
Domain Name (User Function 91), is only used when
setting up your fax machine as a gateway for relay fax.
The symbols that can be used are:
! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol will appear on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
Feature Set Guide: English
Message Disposition Notification (MDN)
User Function 92
Some mail clients and Internet Fax products currently
on the market cannot receive this MDN format
When User Function 93, Network Settings, Item 12,
Delivery Service Notification (DSN) is set to ON, you
will receive a notification when your message arrives at
the recipient’s inbox on the mail server.
The recipient’s server must support the Delivery Service
Notification (DSN) standard.
MDN: you receive a confirmation that your message
was received by the destination mail server.
Your machine always returns an MDN to anyone
sending mail with an MDN request, regardless of the
setting for User Function 92: MDN.
DSN: you receive a confirmation that your message was
opened by the person you sent it to (the recipient).
All systems involved in the communication must support
MDN and DSN.
The setting for User Function 92: MDN does not affect
the Error MDN message.
When User Function 92, Message Disposition
Notification (MDN) is set to ON, you will receive a
notification when the recipient of your message opens
An Error MDN will be returned to the sender if
a file other than the TIFF formats compatible with
this Internet Fax is received
The recipient MUST HAVE a mail program that uses
the Message Disposition Notification (MDN) standard.
·· User Function 73: ERR. REPORT (MCF) is set to
Netscape Messenger, Eudora Pro, and the OKIFAX
5750/5950 Series Facsimile Machines support MDN.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
When User Function 92: MDN is set to ON, anyone who Example MDN Message
receives a transmission from your machine will return
an MDN confirmation. To print the confirmation, you
must set User Function 86: Text Print to ON.
Subject: Automatic Disposition Notification (processed) -
The message you sent on Wed, 19 Jan 2000 15:28:28 +0900
regarding “hello!” has been processed by abc@network.com.
User Function 92: MDN determines if the Message
Disposition Notification (MDN) is added to transmissions.
Final-Recipient: rfc822; abc@network.com
MDN (Message Disposition Notification) is a request for
confirmation on whether or not the message has been read.
If MDN is set to ON, a confirmation is returned if the
recipient is
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-Automatically;
an Internet Fax machine
a mail client that supports MDN
The format of the confirmation depends on the type of the
receiving Internet Fax or mail client. If the recipient has the
same Internet Fax machine as yours, a notification in the
RFC-compliant format (shown in the example below) will be
Feature Set Guide: English
Network Settings
User Function 93
After changing the network settings under User
Function 93, press MENU.
This function modifies these network settings.
The machine goes into standby mode.
After a few seconds’ pause, the display shows that the
Network Card is being initialized. The data on the
Network Card is updated when this message disappears.
Do not press MENU again while the initialization
message is on display (after changing the settings);
if you do, the settings will not update correctly.
Domain Name Service Primary Server
Domain Name Service Secondary Server
11: FAX E-mailAddress
12: DSN
Delivery Status Notification
OKIFAX 5750/5950
DHCP Server
Use permanent IP addresses from DHCP.
If you are working with a DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) server, the following items are set
After changing the network settings under User
Function 93, press MENU.
The machine goes into standby mode.
After a few seconds’ pause, the display shows that the
Network Card is being initialized. The data on the
Network Card is updated when this message disappears.
Domain Name Service Primary Server
Domain Name Service Secondary Server
Do not press MENU again while the initialization
message is on display (after changing the settings);
if you do, the settings will not update correctly.
Feature Set Guide: English
Explanation of Settings
Enter either the IP address or the host name of the SMTP
mail server.
Sets the IP address.
If the DNS name of the SMTP server does not work,
Sets the subnet mask.
Sets the default gateway address.
try entering the IP address of the SMTP server.
If DNS has been set, use the host name (e.g.,
If DNS has not been set, enter the IP address of the
server. The address must include the “.” (period)
dividers (e.g.,
up to 64 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or
key “0” of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are: ! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . /
: ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Enter either the IP address or the host name of the POP mail
Enter the user ID registered on the POP3 server.
If the DNS name of the SMTP server does not work,
try entering the IP address of the SMTP server.
up to 16 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or
key “0” of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are: ! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . /
: ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
If DNS has been set, use the host name (e.g.,
If DNS has not been set, enter the IP address of the
server. The address must include the “.” (period)
dividers (e.g.,
up to 64 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or
key “0” of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are: ! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . /
: ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
Feature Set Guide: English
Enter the password registered on the POP3 server.
DNS means Domain Name Service.
P.SRV means Primary Server.
If a password has already been entered, it is shown as
Sets the IP address of the DNS primary server.
You do not have to change this setting if the server is
connected directly using its IP address.
up to 16 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or
key “0” of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are: ! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . /
: ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
DNS means Domain Name Service.
S.Serv means Secondary Server.
Sets the IP address of the DNS secondary server.
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
You change this setting only when a secondary server has
been set up.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
11: FAX E-mailAddress
Enter the host name defined on this machine.
Enter the e-mail address assigned to your machine.
up to 64 characters may be entered.
up to 64 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or
key “0” of the numeric ten-key pad.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or
key “0” of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are:
The symbols that can be used are:
! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
Feature Set Guide: English
12: DSN (Delivery Status Notification)
User Function 86, TEXT PRINT must be ON for your
machine to receive and print delivery notifications.
MDN: you receive a confirmation that your message
was received by the destination mail server.
When User Function 93, Network Settings, DSN is ON,
your machine receives confirmations (MDN) from the
mail server of anyone sent a message by your machine.
DSN: you receive a confirmation that your message was
opened by the person you sent it to (the recipient).
All systems involved in the communication must support
MDN and DSN.
When a mail server with DSN receives a message, it sends a
delivery confirmation to the sender of the message.
Change this setting to OFF, if you are sending a message to
a mail server that does not support DSN.
If you do not change this setting to OFF, the server may not
be able to handle the message correctly and a
communication error may occur.
Some servers can send mail to servers without DSN.
In this case, no delivery notification will be sent.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Make sure that you want to do this before proceeding.
Resets the Network Card to its original factory settings.
You may also reset the card to factory settings by pressing
and holding the button on the card (if your network card
has a button).
When you reset the Network Card to factory settings, all
current settings are lost.
The message “ARE YOU SURE?” will show on the
display. You must confirm your choice before the unit
will reset to factory defaults.
Feature Set Guide: English
Changing Settings
There are four ways to change the network settings for your
Some settings can be accessed with any method.
Other settings are only accessed by one method.
1 menu of the machine
2 web page of the network card
3 OKIVIEW 32 (Adminmanager)
4 Telnet
This section lists the settings. The lists are organized by the
method used to access the settings. After the lists, each
access method is discussed.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Settings Changed by Using the Web Page or the Menu
Settings Changed Only by Using the Web Page
Printer Status
User Function 93, Network Settings
Network Status
Printer Menu
Internet Fax
SMTP Transmit
SMTP Receive
11: FAX E-mailAddress
12: DSN
SMTP Port Number
POP Port Number
You can use the Web Page, Internet Fax, to adjust the
settings for User Function 93, Network Settings.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
Feature Set Guide: English
Settings Changed Only by Using OKIVIEW 32
Network Card Configuration
Internet Fax
SMTP Transmit
SMTP Receive
SMTP Port Number
POP Port Number
IPAddress, Subnet mask, and Default Gateway
Enable Banner for FTP / LPR
DNS settings
You can use OKIVIEW 32 to adjust the settings for
User Function 93, Network Settings.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Setting Up the OKILAN 7100e+ Using
OKIVIEW 32” or the OKIVIEW 32 on-line Help.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page
You can use the Web page of the network card to change the
network settings for your machine.
The Web page you access for your fax machine is
slightly different from the Web page described in the
OKILAN 7100e+ User's Guide.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
To access the Web page of the network card, use a web
browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
The differences are explained here.
You can use the Web page of the network card to change
the items listed below
User Function 93, Network Settings
Feature Set Guide: English
Changing Settings Using the Web Page
Printer Status
The items listed here are only accessed via the web page.
This is the main web access screen.
You can also use the web page to adjust the settings for
User Function 93, Network Settings.
Shows the message(s) currently displayed by your fax
Network Status
Enables or disables the SMTP transmission protocol
For normal operations, set this to Enable.
SMTP Receive
Shows the status of TCP/IP, NetWare and NetBEUI.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
Enables or disables the SMTP reception protocol
For normal operations, set this to Enable.
If you do not wish to receive by SMTP, set this to
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
SMTP reception forwards incoming Fax mail.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
Not supported by this machine.
Do not change this setting.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Using the OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page.”
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Enables or disables the POP reception protocol.
This setting is available when you are using a POP server
that supports APOP.
For normal operations, set this to Enable.
SMTP Port Number
With APOP, the POP password will be encrypted before it
is sent.
Sets the SMTP protocol port number.
Do not change this unless it is necessary.
The default setting is 25.
A communication error will occur if this setting is turned
on when using a server which does not support APOP.
Printer Menu
POP Port Number
The Printer Menu provides information about Paper,
Trays, Timers and Alarms, and Emulations.
Sets the POP protocol port number.
Do not change this unless it is necessary.
The default setting is 110.
This menu should not be displayed for this machine.
If it does display, you will not be able to change its
Feature Set Guide: English
Using OKIVIEW 32
Use this tool to configure the Network Card on
Windows95/98/NT4.0 via the network.
The OKILAN 7100e+ User's Guide contains detailed
information about these settings. There are differences
between the settings you will see for the Internet Fax Web
page and the page described in the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s
The settings available through OKIVIEW 32 are nearly the
same as those accessible through the Web page.
The Web page you access for your fax machine is
This section explains the information choices (tabs) within
OKIVIEW 32 and the differences in settings you will
slightly different from the Web page described in the
OKILAN 7100e+ User's Guide.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Setting Up the OKILAN 7100e+ Using
OKIVIEW 32” or the OKIVIEW 32 on-line Help.
The differences are explained in this section.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
When you start OKIVIEW 32, you will see a list of the
Network Cards connected to the printers and facsimiles.
Check the MAC addresses of the printers and facsimiles to
identify the Network Card you want to configure.
You can change the following settings.
The Network Card Report provides the MAC address as
explained earlier.
IPAddress, Subnet mask and Default Gateway
Next, select the Network Card you wish to configure.
Then go to MENU, then Setup, then Device Setup.
Enable Banner for FTP/LPR
DNS settings
Internet Fax
Feature Set Guide: English
Set the password.
Allows you to modify the settings listed below.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User's Guide.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User's Guide.
IPAddress, Subnet mask and Default Gateway
Enable Banner for FTP/LPR
DNS settings
The Printer TRAP facility of the tool supplied with Internet
Fax has been expanded.
You can add up to 5 addresses in TCP/IP as Printer Traps
and also an extra address in IPX/SPX, for which trap alarms
can be specified individually.
Please also see the help menu of the tool.
Allows you to modify the NetWare server settings.
Internet Fax
Please note that the position of the Pserver menu is
different for Internet Fax, and so is the method for setting
Pserver NDS and Bindery.
You can use OKIVIEW 32 to change the same settings that
are accessed through the Web page
(User Function 93, Network Settings).
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Setting Up the OKILAN 7100e+ Using
OKIVIEW 32” or the OKIVIEW 32 on-line Help.
Not used by this machine.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Your fax machine is Telnet capable.
You can use Telnet (via the network) to change the network
settings for your machine.
There are differences between what you see and what is
described in the OKILAN 7100e+ User's Guide.
See the OKILAN 7100e+ User’s Guide, “OKILAN
Configuration, Setting Up the OKILAN 7100e+ Using
OKIVIEW 32” or the OKIVIEW 32 on-line Help.
Feature Set Guide: English
Programming e-mail Addresses
You can program (store) e-mail addresses into your machine,
just as you do telephone numbers. You can create a group of
e-mail addresses, just as you can create a group of telephone
Print the Telephone Directory before you begin
programming. This provides a reference of the speed
dial numbers already programmed.
See the User’s Guide, “Reports, Telephone Directory.”
Be sure to write the name for any Speed Dial numbers
you program on the One Touch Sheet(s).
For more information about groups, see the User’s Guide,
“Sending a Fax to Multiple Locations.”
The One Touch Sheet(s) provide space for a limited
number of Speed Dial numbers, depending on the model
of your fax machine.
1 through 40.
1 through 80.
For Speed Dials 41 (OKIFAX 5750) or 81 (OKIFAX
5950) and above, program the number(s) and print the
Telephone Directory.
See the User’s Guide, “Reports, Telephone Directory.”
OKIFAX 5750/5950
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
8 Press Menu/Exit to return the machine to standby mode.
9 When finished with the programming of One Touch keys,
lift off the plastic cover. Use a pencil to write the name of
the One Touch key you have programmed.
2 Press ᮢ to select Location Program. Press Enter.
3 The cursor will be at Speed Dial. Press Enter.
4 Input the speed dial number you want to program, then
press Enter.
Print the Telephone Directory when you finish
programming. This provides a reference of the Speed
Dial numbers already programmed.
E-mail addresses can ONLY be programmed in
One-Touch keys 1 - 40.
5 Press ᮢ to select e-mail Address. Press Enter.
6 Input the e-mail address. Press Enter.
One-Touch Key 32 is the @ symbol.
See the User’s Guide, “Reports, Telephone Directory.”
Be sure to write the name for any Speed Dial numbers
you program on the One Touch Sheet(s).
Use One-Touch Key 31 (Caps) to switch between upper
and lowercase letters, if necessary.
7 Repeat the above process from Step 3 until you have
finished programming.
Feature Set Guide: English
Confirming e-mail Address Programming
If you want to check / verify an e-mail address you have
programmed, print the Telephone Directory.
E-mail Address Restrictions
up to 64 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
See the User’s Guide, “Reports, Telephone Directory.”
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or key “0”
of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are:
! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “-1”.
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
Must be programmed / assigned to one-touch keys
Groups cannot combine e-mail addresses and telephone
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Using Internet Fax
Sending a Document
General Information
Sending a document from the document feeder of the
machine using the Internet Fax feature is very similar to
sending a document using the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN / regular phone line).
Internet Fax data is scanned into memory before
Your machine must establish a server connection before
the document is sent.
See the User’s Guide, “Basic Faxing, Sending a Fax.”
Internet faxes differ from traditional faxes in these
Stopping a Transmission
Press Stop to end a transmission.
Although your OKIFAX has security features, faxes sent
over the Internet are more vulnerable to interception
than faxes sent over the PSTN.
The transmission ends immediately.
You do not confirm your request before it takes effect.
There is no way to verify that a message has been
received by the machine to which it was addressed.
Feature Set Guide: English
How to Send a Document
1 Load your documents.
3 Press Start.
4 The machine scans the document and stores the
2 Select the entry method.
document’s image data into memory.
For more information on entry methods, refer to the
User’s Guide, “Basic Faxing, Sending a Fax.”
5 Next, the machine establishes a server connection.
“Sending” appears on the display when the server
connection is established.
Entry methods are:
6 At the end of the transmission, the result shows on the
display and a buzzer sounds.
You must know the first letter of the e-mail address
to search for an e-mail address.
Non-programmed e-mail
also known as a Numeric Keypad or walk-up
You must send the document as an Internet
See the following section (“Sending to a Non-
Programmed E-mail”) for more information.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Sending to a Non-Programmed E-mail
Limitations and Suggestions
Also known as Numeric Keypad (Walk-up) e-mail faxing
If you need a digital copy of a fax transmission for your
records, send the fax to the destination and your e-mail
address. Your e-mail address will receive a digital copy
(.TIFF format) of whatever you send.
If you want to send an Internet Fax, but you do not want to
program the e-mail address as a One-Touch, you must make
sure that it is sent as an Internet Transmission.
You cannot combine e-mail addresses and telephone
numbers in one fax transmission.
Load the document.
Press the e-mail key.
Input the e-mail address.
If you select the same e-mail address twice, the document
will be sent to it only once.
To stop transmission, press STOP.
One-Touch Key 32 is the @ symbol.
The transmission terminates immediately, without asking
for confirmation.
Use One-Touch Key 31 (Caps) to switch between
upper and lowercase letters.
Internet Fax data is scanned into memory before
transmission. If the document is too long to fit into
memory, divide it and make two or more transmissions.
Press Start.
If you frequently divide documents, consider installing
additional memory.
Feature Set Guide: English
TIFF Format
Other manufacturer’s Internet Fax products may receive
only in the STD and FINE resolutions and in MH
compression mode.
When functioning as an Internet Fax, your machine converts
scanned documents into a single TIFF-format file and sends it
by e-mail.
The transmit resolutions are:
Remember this if you are sending a document to an
Internet Fax made by a different manufacturer.
200 x 100 dpi in STD mode
200 x 200 dpi in FINE mode
300 x 300 dpi
This is not an issue when you send to a machine
identical to yours or if you send to a PC.
600 x 600 dpi * in EX-FINE
* the OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX) option must be
Your machine attaches the following text to fax document e-
There is a TIFF file in this mail, which has been sent from
an Internet Facsimile.
200 x 200 dpi in PHOTO mode
The images are compressed using one of the standard formats
used on faxes:
You can see the TIFF file by using “Imaging” of Windows
NT4.0/Windows 95(OSR2)/Windows98/Windows 2000.
* This setting can be changed
are registered trademarks of US Microsoft Corporation.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Viewing TIFF Files
To view TIFF files, you must have a TIFF viewer installed on
your PC.
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 and 2000 have a viewer
called Imaging, which you can use to view TIFF files.
Before printing a TIFF file from Imaging, go to
OPTIONS in either the Print screen or in Properties and
set the Print format to “Fit to Page.”
If it is set at “Actual size”, part of the fax image may be
cut off from the printout.
Feature Set Guide: English
Receiving Internet Faxes
Your machine can receive Internet Faxes two ways.
Internet Faxes are received into memory.
Automatic Reception
Manual Reception
Make sure that your machine has enough free memory
to receive fax messages.
During automatic reception, your Internet Fax machine
automatically connects to the server and receives mail at the
time interval set in User Function 83, the POP INTERVAL
TIME setting.
If too little memory is available, reception may be
terminated before the complete message is received.
Install an optional memory expansion kit if your
Internet Fax receptions frequently terminate before
If your machine performs an automatic reception, but no
messages (mail) are on the server, no record of the session is
If User Function 86, Text Print is set to ON, your
machine cannot receive Internet Faxes while a print
alarm (e.g., no paper, cover open, paper jam) exists.
If your machine performs a manual reception, but no
messages (mail) are on the server, service code F941 is used
as the record of the session.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Automatic Reception
Manual Reception
If your machine performs an automatic reception, but no
messages (mail) are on the server, no record of the session is
Your machine can manually receive mail.
If your machine performs a manual reception, but no
messages (mail) are on the server, service code F941 is used
as the record of the session.
Single Message
If one message is on the server, your machine receives the
message and prints it.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Press ᮢ or ᮡ to select Internet Fax. Press Enter.
Press ᮢ or ᮡ to select at Internet Rx. Press Enter.
Press Start.
Multiple Messages
If more than one mail message is on the server, your
machine receives all of the messages and prints them.
Text Print ON
If your machine performs a manual reception, but no
messages (mail) are on the server, the record of the session
shows service code F941.
If User Function 86, TEXT PRINT, is set to ON, your
machine receives only one message during each reception.
If User Function 86, Text Print is set to ON, your
machine will not receive Internet Faxes while a print
alarm (e.g., no paper, cover open, paper jam) exists.
If there is more than one mail message, your machine prints
one message at a time.
Your machine receives multiple mail messages one at a
time and prints them one at a time.
Feature Set Guide: English
Receiving TIFF files
Your machine receives mail messages with TIFF attachments
from the mail server and prints out the attached files.
Your machine can receive files with the following
300 x 300 dpi
600 x 600 dpi
[the OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX) option must be
200 x 400 dpi
Your machine can print out TIFFs in the Simple Mode
defined in ITU-T T.37.
It cannot print any other TIFF format.
If your machine receives any other TIFF format, a
communication error occurs and an error report prints.
The OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX) option must be installed
if you want to receive files with 600 x 600 dpi
Your machine can receive files with the following
compression formats.
* This setting can be changed
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Receiving e-mails (Body Text)
A fax sent over the Internet has three components.
Printing e-mails
When User Function 86, Text Print set to ON, the following
components print
TIFF attachment(s)
e-mail (Body Text)
any messages (text) that appear before or after the
The e-mail includes the To, From, and Date information.
It may include RE: (Subject) and body text (e-mail message).
The e-mail of an Internet Fax often comes with added
messages (text) before and after the TIFFs.
Your fax machine can print
You can select how (or whether) these components print.
ASCII text
Latin letters and numbers
Symbols ! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
Your fax machine cannot print
Base 64 encoded text
Your fax machine may not be able to print
messages from an e-mail client
messages with text-file attachments
Feature Set Guide: English
Gateway Services (Forwarding)
Faxes to an e-mail Address
Your fax machine can forward incoming faxes from an
F-Code fax machine to an e-mail address.
1 Create a personal mailbox as a relay mailbox.
2 Register a one-touch key, with an e-mail address assigned
to it, in the relay mailbox.
Be aware that although your OKIFAX has security
Any fax image sent to this Personal Box is then forwarded
to the assigned e-mail address.
features (password protection, access restricted to
certain domain names), any system is vulnerable to
attack. If you set up your OKIFAX for this feature, it
may be possible for unauthorized faxes to be sent to
other machines through your fax machine.
See the User’s Guide, “Advanced Operations, Confidential
Faxes, Programming Personal (Confidential) Mailboxes.”
See the User’s Guide, “Advanced Operations, Relay
Relay Print, User Function 27, must be ON for you to
use Gateway Services (Forwarding).
The default setting for Relay Print, User Function 27, is
OFF, to help protect against unauthorized faxes being
sent through your machine.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
How it works
E-mails to a Fax Number
Your machine can forward images received via e-mail to
another fax machine.
1 An F-Code fax machine sends the fax message to your
Internet Fax machine.
2 Your Internet Fax machine then converts the message to an
e-mail and forwards it to a mail server.
Your fax machine uses SMTP reception to do this.
This function is not supported for POP.
3 The mail server then sends the e-mail to a computer or
another Internet Fax.
Use the format FAX=[telephone number}@{domain name}
to indicate the forwarding number.
The Internet Fax forwards the received TIFF file to the
number given after “FAX=” by normal fax transmission.
The items listed below have certain restrictions when used as
part of this feature.
Image Restrictions
Telephone Number Restrictions
MailAddress Format
Domain Names
Feature Set Guide: English
Image Restrictions
The e-mail address of your fax machine is:
only TIFFs can be forwarded
TIFFs must be the type of file your machine can
text files cannot be forwarded.
Files in formats not supported by this machine
cannot be forwarded.
To use the Gateway Service, the sender would use:
This follows the format
FAX=[telephone number}@{domain name}.
Telephone Number Restrictions
Characters that can be used
Numbers 0-9
Symbols *, #, -, P (for pause) and +.
The machine does not receive the message if
anything else is entered.
The telephone number cannot be more than 40
digits long.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Mail Address Format
Domain Name Restrictions
The exact mail address format required for e-mail-to-fax
forwarding varies from one network to another.
You must register the domain names that your machine
will communicate with (receive data from) when
forwarding e-mail-to-fax.
Consult with your network administrator for the correct
format to use.
This is intended to prevent unauthorized access of the
e-mail forwarding function.
up to five (5) domain names may be registered.
each domain name may be up to 64 characters long.
Host name
Your machine will only accept data from a sender when
Domain name
the sender’s domain name matches one of the
registered domain names
the sender’s domain name is a sub-domain of one of
the registered domain names.
FAX=[telephone number]@intfax.network.com
Both the mail server and your fax machine use this e-mail
address for forwarding the message.
You can make a broadcast transmission to up to 10
recipients by specifying each telephone number in the
above mail address format.
Feature Set Guide: English
How it Works
1 The client sends a message to the mail server using the
It is also possible for an e-mail client to communicate
directly with this machine. To do this, specify the IP address
of this Internet Fax instead of the e-mail client’s SMTP server
address. Specify a recipient using the above address format
and attach a TIFF file in a format supported by this Internet
Fax, and you can have the TIFF file forwarded by fax on
address format FAX=123@fax.abc.com.
A client can be a computer or an Internet Fax.
2 The mail server makes an enquiry to the DNS server about
3 The DNS server replies to the mail server with the IP
address of fax.abc.com.
Please note that it may not be possible to establish a
connection between this Internet Fax and some types of e-
mail clients.
4 The mail server forwards the message to the Internet Fax.
5 The Internet Fax then forwards the message to an F-Code
fax machine with the telephone number of 123.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Mail Server Settings for E-mail-to-FAX
Gateway Service
The setting changes explained here can only be made by a
network administrator.
You will need to adjust settings in these categories.
DNS Server
Mail Server
To use gateway service 1 (e-mail-to-OKIFAX-to-G3 FAX), the
mail server and the DNS server must be configured to forward
e-mail to the your fax machine.
Here are some examples of settings for forwarding mail to the
your fax machine.
The settings given here are only examples. Servers do not
have to be configured as shown in order to use the gateway
The domain name, host names and IP addresses given in this
text are for example only. You must set these values
according to your own network setup.
Feature Set Guide: English
DNS Server
Network Setup
First, register your fax machine onto the DNS server.
The network in our example has this setup.
Network domain name:
In this example, the settings for a type of DNS server called
BIND run on UNIX are explained.
You will need to know or set the following items.
Network Setup
Host name of the mail server in this domain:
Install the fax machine as a device on the network
Add a record to the zone file
Add a PTR record to the reverse zone file
Restart the Server
IP address of this mail server:
Host name of the DNS server in this domain:
IP address of this DNS server:
IP address of the client PC:
Host name of the client PC:
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Install the Fax Machine
Add a PTR Record
Now, install your fax machine on this network.
Host name of the fax machine: fax.abc.com
IP address of the fax machine:
Add a Record
Add a PTR record of the fax machine to the reverse zone file.
Pointer (PTR) Record
……… IN PTR mail.abc.com. IN PTR dns.abc.com. IN PTR user.abc.com. IN PTR fax.abc.com.
Add a record of the fax machine on the zone file of the DNS
server (dns.abc.com).
Address (A) record
mail.abc.com. IN
dns.abc.com. IN
user.abc.com. IN
fax.abc.com. IN
Restart the Server
When all the records have been updated, restart the DNS
After the above configuration has been made, all mail
addressed to <xxxx@fax.abc.com> will be forwarded to the
fax machine.
Feature Set Guide: English
Mail Server
Most of the time, the DNS server configuration explained in
the DNS Server section will allow you to use the e-mail-to-
FAX relay service.
The example assumes that
The OS of mail.abc.com is FreeBSD.
The mail server is sendmail.
Configuration file sendmail.cf is generated using
utility “CF.”
The DNS server configuration is not always used.
Some mail servers are configured to process all mail
addressed to hosts belonging to their domain as mail to
themselves. If mail server mail.abc.com has been set up in this
way, it will regard mail to xxxx@fax.abc.com as mail to one
of its users and will not forward it to your fax machine.
You will have to edit sendmail.cf directly if no
utility of this kind is available. The procedure for
this operation is very complicated. It will not be
explained here.
To configure the mail server, you will
To prevent this, configure the mail server so it does not
process mail addressed to host fax.abc.com.
insert strings into sendmail.def
add strings specifying email-to-FAX relay
create a new sendmail.cf
overwrite the original sendmail.cf
restart the mail server
OKIFAX 5750/5950
1 Insert the following strings to file sendmail.def.
2 Add a string (specifying e-mail-to-FAX relay) to
With “fax”, the server DOES NOT receive mail to
ACCEPT, etc. tells the server to receive mail to hosts
located within its domain.
3 Create sendmail.cf
LOWER, etc. tells the server to receive mail to hosts
located within its domain, EXCEPT mail to hosts listed
in sendmail.lw.
4 overwrite the original sendmail.cf with it.
5 Restart the mail server.
After the above changes, sendmail will forward mail
addressed to xxxx@fax.abc.com to your fax machine instead
of processing it itself.
Feature Set Guide: English
Mail Forwarding Process
1 Client sends mail to mail server
(To: fax=123@fax.abc.com)
2 Mail server makes enquiry to DNS server regarding
3 DNS replies to mail server
(returns the IP address of fax.abc.com)
4 Mail server forwards mail to fax machine
5 FAX communication to FAX number 123
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Network Scanner
Here is an example of using your fax machine as a network
Your fax machine can be used as a network scanner.
Remember the following when using your fax machine as a
network scanner:
You have a hard copy document that you would like to
have on file as a digital copy.
you can adjust the resolution of the scanned images
turn off the IFAX Sender ID (User Function 90), or it
will appear on your scanned images
You can use your fax machine to scan the document and
send the scan version (digital copy) to your e-mail address.
The scan version of the document is a TIFF file.
How it Works
The document is scanned as if it were being sent as an
Internet Fax, but the document is actually sent to an e-mail
address on the network.
The recipient (destination e-mail address) receives the
document on their PC as a TIFF file.
Feature Set Guide: English
Image Resolution
IFAX Sender ID
The setting for User Function 89: Ex.Fine Mode adjusts
the resolution of the scanned image.
User Function 90: IFAX Sender ID must be set to ON when
you are using your fax machine for faxing using the Internet.
This places the IFAX Sender ID on the top of any documents
you send.
The resolution may be set between 300 and 600 dpi.
The OKI HRS600 (600 dpi TX) option (8 MB of
memory) must be installed to achieve 600 dpi scan
However, when you are using your fax machine as a network
scanner, you do not want this information to appear on your
scanned documents.
Set User Function 90: IFAX SENDER ID to OFF while
using your fax machine as a network scanner.
The IFAX Sender ID will not appear at the top of
scanned documents.
Be sure to set IFAX Sender ID to ON when sending
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Network Printing
Printing Documents
To use your fax machine to print documents via the LAN,
you need to install the appropriate software from the supplied
CD-ROM and make the correct settings for your environment.
Printing on Transparencies
When printing on transparencies,
set the Media Type to Light
use manual feed
set the machine for face-up stacking
recommended transparency type is 3M CG2300
A brief description of each of the supported operating
systems and the suggested installation procedure appears in
this section.
When installing network card utilities, select the Quick Setup
option where it is available.
Change the settings through the printer driver, (provided with
the optional MFP Kit).
The printer driver provided on the CD-ROM supports
only network printing.
Printing via the parallel port is not supported.
Local printing through the parallel port requires a
different driver (provided with the optional MFP Kit).
For further details, please contact your authorized
Feature Set Guide: English
Operating Systems
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
Recommended procedure:
Recommended procedure:
Install the printer driver.
Install the network card utility.
Configure the network card.
Install the printer driver.
Install the network card utility.
Configure the network card.
When printing directly from Windows NT 4.0 or 2000, use
LPR (Microsoft TCP/IP Printing), included in Windows NT
4.0 and 2000.
The NetWare server has two modes.
printer server mode and
remote printer mode
Add the LPR port as the driver output port and assign it the
IPAddress configured for Network Card.
The Network Card supports either mode.
To use NetWare, the fax machine should be attached as a
printer under NetWare control.
TCP/IP should be added to Windows NT 4.0, 2000 because it
is used for LPR.
For more details, see the information on the supplied
While installing the driver on Windows 2000, you may
encounter a warning message about authentication.
Ignore this message if it appears.
It will not cause any problems with the installation of
the driver.
For more details, see the information on the supplied
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Windows 95/98
Windows 3.1
Recommended procedure:
Recommended procedure:
Install the printer driver.
Install the network card utility.
Install the Oki Print Monitor (LPR Utility).
Configure the network card.
Install the printer driver.
Run SETUP.EXE from the Win31 directory on the
supplied CD-ROM.
Configure the network card.
When printing directly from Windows 95/98, the Oki Print
Monitor (LPR Utility) should be installed from the supplied
When printing from Windows 3.1, a NetWare Server is
required, since Windows 3.1 is not a network operating
TCP/IP must be installed in Windows 95/98 in order to use
Oki Print Monitor (LPR Utility).
Printing via LPR, from Windows 3.1 connected to the
network with other commercial TCP/IP protocols, is not
For more details, see the information on the supplied
Feature Set Guide: English
Other Operating Systems
Configuring from Network Utilities
Other operating systems, such as Macintosh or UNIX, are not
(also known as CD Setup Utilities)
The network card configurations may be altered from a PC
via the network, using the utilities on the CD-ROM. The
configuration settings can be accessed from the installer.
With these utilities, TCP/IP and NetWare parameters may be
For more details, see the information on the supplied
When using the above utilities, the setup screen for
EtherTalk, which the fax machine does not support, will
be displayed.
Set EtherTalk “Disable” to prevent it from being used.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
To print from Windows using LPR, it is necessary to set the IP
ADDRESS (User Function 93, Setting 1). This is not required
if printing from NetWare only. It is necessary for using
Internet Fax functions.
Network settings can be modified through the front panel
(menu) of your fax machine via User Function 93: Network
1 Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
2 Press ᮡ to select Setup, press Enter.
3 Press ᮢ orᮡ until LANOPTIONS appears on the display.
Press Enter.
4 Press ᮢ orᮡ until User Function 93: NETWORK
SETTINGS appears on the display.
Feature Set Guide: English
User Functions
These three user functions are specific to Network Printing.
Sets the IP address.
Auto Tray Switch (User Function 80)
Paper Size Check (User Function 81)
LAN Print T.O. (User Function 82)
Sets the subnet mask.
Auto Tray Switch
User Function 80
Settings are: ON or OFF
Default is: OFF.
Sets the default gateway address.
When Auto Tray Switch is set to ON, your fax machine will
use paper from another tray when paper runs out in one
The optional second tray must be installed for this to
The same size paper must be installed in both trays.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Paper Size Check
User Function 81
Settings are: ON or OFF
Default is: ON.
LAN Print T.O.
User Function 82
It is impossible to judge whether printing data is not being
transmitted due to network delay or the end of the data
stream. This time-out configuration allows the device to
cancel a print job when no printing data can be found after
a specified time has elapsed since the last data was
Set to ON
If Paper Size Check is set to ON, an alarm displays when
the paper size specified from the PC does not match the
paper size specified for the tray of the fax machine.
Do not change the default configuration unless it is
absolutely necessary.
When this alarm is displayed, put the correct size of paper
in the specified tray.
Settings are: 5 sec., 30 sec., 5 min.
Default Setting is: 30 sec.
Printing begins when the tray is closed.
After printing,
set the same paper as configured for the tray
change the tray configuration to the correct paper
Set to OFF
If Paper Size Check is set to OFF, printing occurs even if
the PC-specified and Paper Tray paper sizes don’t match.
Feature Set Guide: English
Banner Output
Your fax machine supports TEXT-style Banner of NetWare
3.x and NetWare 4.x.
Only US-ASCII characters will print.
Any characters that cannot be printed are shown as
If a NetWare banner cannot be printed, alter the configuration
at your PC to “No Banner Used”
at NetWare Server to “No Banner Sent”.
Contact your NetWare Network Administrator for assistance.
When a problem occurs with banner printing, change the
banner settings to “NO” with the correct utilities. Do this
even though the Network Card supports FTP and LPR
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Problem Solving
There are two areas of Problem Solving.
LAN Data Error
End User
When LAN Data Error is shown on the fax display, there may
be a problem in the printing data transmitted via the
End User
The printing data will be cancelled.
Re-send the print job.
Option Board Error
If your fax machine displays the message, OPTION BOARD
ERROR, an error may have occurred at the interface between
the fax machine and the network card.
If this error occurs while printing documents, the error may
be a paper jam. Clear the jam.
When the print job was cancelled from a PC, LAN
Turn off the fax machine. Verify that the network card is
correctly installed. Turn the machine on.
DATA ERROR may be displayed. This is because
defective data may have been transmitted to the fax
Network Problem
If any printing problems occur (other than the errors
mentioned in this section), see the information on the
supplied CD-ROM.
Feature Set Guide: English
Network Administrator
E001 Text print
When E001 occurs, the “Number of Pages”
column in the Activity Report will be blank.
Service Codes
When a communication error occurs, print the Activity
Report. Use the report to find the service code for the error.
There are two types of service codes.
E002 Text received but not printed
When E002 occurs, the “Number of Pages”
column in the Activity Report will be blank.
E900 Network Card I/F error
SMTP Error Codes
Here is the format for SMTP communication service codes.
E910 TCP/IP or SMTP/POP not supported or allowed by
Network Card
E920 Network Card not ready; transmission request
E = SMTP communication
received while Network Card is initializing
123 = three-digit SMTP error code defined by RFC.
E930 No match for domain received; invalid user name
RFC is an Internet “standards” term meaning “Request For
Comment”. RFCs are documents that define standards or
proposed standard-definitions for network and Internet
operation. Individual RFCs define specific aspects of
network or Internet operation.
E931 E-mail cannot be received (invalid TIFF)
E932 E-mail cannot be received (other than invalid
E940 Memory full
Numbers 900 and above are codes defined specifically for
this Internet Fax.
E942 Command time-out
E950 Server communication error
E980 Aborted
OKIFAX 5750/5950
SMTP Protocol Error Codes
The following are SMTP protocol error codes given in
E500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
This may include errors such as command line too
RFC is an Internet “standards” term meaning “Request For
Comment.” RFCs are documents that define standards or
proposed standard-definitions for network and Internet
operation. Individual RFCs define specific aspects of
network or Internet operation.
E501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
E502 Command not implemented
E503 Bad sequence of commands
E504 Command parameter not implemented
E550 Requested action not taken:
mailbox unavailable.
When these occur, contact your network administrator.
E421 <domain>
Service not available, closing transmission
Example: mailbox not found, no access
E551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
E552 Requested mail action aborted:
exceeded storage allocation
This may be a reply to any command if the service
knows it must shut down.
E450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox
E553 Requested action not taken:
mailbox name not allowed
Example: the mailbox is busy.
E451 Requested action aborted:
local error in processing
Example: Mailbox syntax incorrect
E554 Transaction failed
E452 Requested action not taken:
insufficient system storage
Feature Set Guide: English
POP3 Communication Errors
There are no standard error code definitions for the POP3
F010 POP protocol USER command error
F020 POP protocol PASS command error
F030 POP protocol RETR command error
F040 POP protocol DELE command error
F050 POP protocol TOP command error
F900 Network Card I/F error
Here is the format for POP3 Communication Errors.
F = POP3 Communication Errors
123 = three-digit SMTP error code defined by RFC.
RFC is an Internet “standards” term meaning “Request For
Comment”. RFCs are documents that define standards or
proposed standard-definitions for network and Internet
operation. Individual RFCs define specific aspects of
network or Internet operation.
F910 TCP/IP or SMTP/POP not supported or allowed by
Network Card
F920 Network Card not ready; transmission request
received while Network Card is initializing
F931 E-mail cannot be received (invalid TIFF)
F001 Text print
F932 E-mail cannot be received (other than invalid
When F001 occurs, the Number of Pages column
in the Activity Report is blank.
F940 Memory full
F002 Text received but not printed
F941 No new mail found in manual reception
F942 Command time-out
F950 Server communication error
F980 Aborted
When F002 occurs, the Number of Pages column
in the Activity Report is blank.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Transmission Troubleshooting
Transmission fails; a communication error occurs.
I have turned MDN (or DSN) ON, but no confirmation has
been returned.
See if the server is down.
Are the IPADDRESS, SubNetMask and Default Gateway
settings correct?
Both MDN and DSN are sent as text-format messages. If
the TEXT PRINT setting is OFF, the confirmations will not
be print.
Has the SMTP server been configured correctly?
Has the host name been registered?
MDN: If the receiving Internet Fax/e-mail client is not
capable of receiving MDN, you may not get a receipt.
If using DNS, is the DNS server address correct?
If DNS is ON, some servers may cause an error.
Display shows message “OPTION BOARD ERROR.”
DSN: If the receiving server does not support DSN, you
may not receive any confirmation.
The TIFF file I sent does not print out at the receiver.
An error may have occurred at the interface between the
fax machine and the network card.
Resend the file, making sure to use Standard resolution
and MH coding.
Turn off the fax machine. Verify that the network card is
correctly installed. Turn the machine on.
If you sent the file using Ex-fine resolution or any coding
mode other than MH, the receiving machine may not be
able to work with the file.
T.37 simple mode Internet Fax products support only the
STD and FINE resolution settings and MH coding mode.
Feature Set Guide: English
Reception Troubleshooting
Reception fails; a communication error occurs.
When I try to receive data manually, a warning message
appears on the display.
Are the IPADDRESS, SubNetMask and Default Gateway
settings correct?
Have you registered a POP server and a USER ID?
Has the POP server been configured correctly?
If using DNS, is the DNS server address correct?
The display shows message “OPTION BOARD ERROR.”
An error may have occurred at the interface between the
fax machine and the network card.
Have you set the USER ID correctly as registered on the
POP server?
Turn off the fax machine. Verify that the network card is
correctly installed. Turn the machine on.
Have you set the password correctly as registered on the
POP server?
A communication error occurs during reception, and a
report is printed out.
If APOP is on, it will cause a communication error on a
POP server that does not support APOP.
Your machine does not support the format of the received
Reception does not start.
Has the POP interval been set at 0?
If the TEXT PRINT setting is ON, you cannot receive
messages while a print alarm (no paper, cover open, paper
jam, etc.) is on.
Is there sufficient free memory space? Images are stored in
memory first, and cannot be received if there is not enough
OKIFAX 5750/5950
The same mail prints repeatedly.
The fax machine prints out a large number of meaningless
Is the User Function 84: DELETE POP MSG set to TYPE2?
It may be printing out Base64-encoded data.
Do not use other settings unless you receive mail on a PC
as well as on your fax machine.
If this frequently occurs, change the User Function 86:
TEXT PRINT setting to OFF.
With the TYPE1 or OFF setting, you will get the same mail
repeatedly if the number of messages received exceeds the
maximum number that can be logged by this Internet Fax
Communication errors occur, and service code F020 is
given each time.
The POP server password may be wrong, causing the server
to return authentication errors.
If this happens, access the mail server from your PC and
delete all the mail. With the mail server empty, carry out a
manual reception on the Internet Fax to delete the current
log stored on it.
I have sent data from an e-mail client on a PC to the
Internet Fax, but the reception has failed.
Have you used a TIFF format supported by this Internet
If only a text message has been sent, it will not print out
unless the User Function 86: TEXT PRINT is set to ON.
Some e-mail clients send e-mail using unusual formats
which this machine cannot receive.
Feature Set Guide: English
E-mail-to-Fax Troubleshooting
I have sent data using the format “FAX=[telephone
number]@[domain name], but it has not been delivered to
the Internet Fax.
I have sent a text to the Internet Fax, but it does not
forward it.
This machine does not forward text.
You may have set the domain name (the part after @)
incorrectly. Consult your Network Administrator about the
correct domain entry.
I have tried to forward data by FAX, but communication
cannot be established.
The Internet Fax refuses to receive data.
Check the entered telephone number.
Are the fax’s telephone line settings correct?
Characters that can be used are: numbers, +, #, *, P or –
If you have entered a telephone number longer than 40
digits, the Internet Fax will not receive the transmission.
Have you registered the recipient’s domain name onto the
Internet Fax?
Is the format of the TIFF file you are sending supported by
this Internet Fax?
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Received e-mails are not deleting from the server the way I
want them to.
The communication logs (records) for the messages
received by my fax machine are not correct.
Check the setting of User Function 84: Delete POP
Your fax machine maintains a log of up to 50
This setting determines how the received e-mails are
deleted from the mail server.
This log prevents repeat receptions of any messages that
have already been read.
If this user function is set to OFF, received e-mails remain
on the POP until the Network Administrator deletes them.
However, if there are more than 50 messages on the server,
you may experience errors.
Available settings are:
Your fax machine will receive and print e-mails, but the
log will not be correct.
OFF: Do not delete mail
To correct this error
TYPE1: Delete only the mail your fax machine can print
Have the network administrator delete the received e-
mails (mail data) on the mail server.
TYPE2: Delete all mail
Make sure there is no mail.
The default setting is TYPE2.
Activate the POP reception on your fax machine.
This procedure will erase the log of the 50 previous
To prevent this error
If automatic POP reception is carried out while there is
no mail, the log will also be erased.
Regularly delete the received e-mails from the mail
server. Keep the number of records on the log below 50.
Feature Set Guide: English
The headers of my Internet Faxes are not printing the way
I want them to.
When I scan documents, my fax machine sender ID is
Text Print (User Function 86) must be ON for this setting
(Header Print) to be valid.
Check the setting for User Function 90: IFAX Sender ID.
Make sure it is OFF.
Check the setting for User Function 87: Header Print.
This function determines how the e-mail header is printed.
Available settings are: OFF, TYPE1, and TYPE2
This function determines if the sender ID is included with
images scanned by the Internet Fax.
Available settings are: ON or OFF.
OFF: Header does not print. The message and any TIFF
attachments print.
The default setting is ON.
The setting for this function always applies when using
TYPE1: SUBJECT/FROM/TO information prints.
Internet Fax.
TYPE2: All header information prints. This information
includes all routing and server information.
IFAX Sender ID (User Function 89) is independent from
Sender ID On/Off (User Function 23).
The default setting is OFF.
If you are using your fax as a scanner, turn this setting
off. This prevents the sender ID data from appearing in
scanned images.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
My fax machine sender ID is not included in documents I
am sending.
I’ve entered the DNS name of the SMTPserver, but it
doesn’t work.
Check the setting for User Function 90: IFAX Sender ID.
Make sure it is ON.
Try entering the IP address.
I’ve changed the settings for the network card (User
This function determines if the sender ID is included with
images scanned by the Internet Fax.
Function 93), but the changes are not being implemented.
Did you press MENU while the initialization message was
Available settings are: ON or OFF.
The default setting is ON.
Pressing MENU while the initialization message is on
display (after changing the settings) will cause the
machine to “lose” the setting changes and the settings will
not update correctly.
The setting for this function always applies when using
Internet Fax.
IFAX Sender ID (User Function 89) is independent from
Sender ID On/Off (User Function 23).
If you are using your fax as a scanner, turn this setting
off. This prevents the sender ID data from appearing in
scanned images.
Feature Set Guide: English
My server does not supportAPOP, and my fax machine is
experiencing communication errors
My fax machine stops receiving messages before they are
completely received.
Make sure the OKIVIEW 32 Setting, UseAPOP, is set to
Make sure that your machine has enough free memory to
receive fax messages.
This setting is available when you are using a POP server
that supports APOP.
Internet Faxes are received into memory.
If too little memory is available, reception may be
terminated before the complete message is received.
With APOP, the POP password will be encrypted before it is
Install an optional memory expansion kit if your Internet
Fax receptions frequently terminate before completion.
A communication error will occur if this setting is turned
on when using a server which does not support APOP.
How do I confirm that the Internet Fax I sent was received
by the person I sent it to?
Refer to “Setting Up on a Network, Using the
OKILAN 7100e+ Web Page, Changing the Settings Using
the Web Page.”
You must contact the person and confirm with them
My machine won’t receive Internet Faxes while a print
alarm (e.g., no paper, cover open, paper jam) is exists.
Internet faxing can confirm receipt by the mail server
(network device) the person is connected to, but nothing
Change User Function 86, Text Print to OFF.
Your machine will receive Internet Faxes while a print
alarm exists.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Printing Troubleshooting
When printing over the network, my fax machine
sometimes won’t print the last page.
I want to use my fax machine as a printer. When I try to
install the printer driver on my Windows 2000 system, I
get a warning message about authentication.
It is impossible to judge whether printing data is not being
transmitted due to network delay or the end of the data
Ignore this message if it appears. It will not cause any
problems with the installation of the driver.
You can try adjust the setting of User Function 82: LAN
Print T.O. to a longer interval.
I have the optional second paper tray installed. Why won’t
my machine automatically pull paper from the other tray
when one runs out?
This time-out configuration allows the device to cancel a
print job when no printing data can be found after a
specified time has elapsed since the last data was
Verify that User Function 80, Auto Tray Switch is ON.
Verify that the same size of paper is installed in both trays.
Verify that the second paper tray is properly installed.
Feature Set Guide: English
For the latest product and technical support
information, visit the Oki Data Web site:
For an end user, the T.38 Internet fax is a very easy-to-use
feature. Working with T.38 is very similar to working with a
PSTN (pubic telephone [regular]) facsimile machine.
T.38 Internet fax allows you to send and receive real-time
faxes via the Internet.
For the installer (network administrator), the T.38 Internet fax
is powerful machine with many built-in capabilities. A great
deal of information is available to the installer. An end user
normally will not require the same amount of information as
the network administrator.
The T.38 information is divided into these sections.
Helpful Hints
End User Information
Installer (NetworkAdministrator) Information
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Information Provided
The following items provide the information you will need to
use your fax machine.
What Your T.38 Internet Fax Machine Can
T.38 Internet fax is a feature with many capabilities.
User’s Guide
Warranty Document
Feature Set Guide
This unit can
send and receive faxes via a Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN)
send and receive “Real-Time” T.38 faxes via the
CD-ROM (shipped with the product)
act as a convenience copier
Feature Set Guide: English
What is an Alias?
Your T.38 Internet fax allows real-time communication
between T.38-capable devices.
Here is an example of aliases.
The devices locate each other using their IP Addresses.
Here is an example IPAddress:
You work at the home office of a bank. You have eight
branch offices that you communicate with. All nine locations
have T.38 Internet facsimile machines. Each of the nine
locations has a unique IP Address. When your Network
Administrator set up the machines, an alias was assigned to
each of the nine IPAddresses.
The IPAddress must be programmed into the Address Table
of the Console Software by your Network Administrator.
Your Network Administrator will then assign an alias to the IP
Address. The alias is the number you will use at your T.38
facsimile machine to contact the remote T.38 device. The
alias is usually a shorter number used as a label (alias) for the
longer IPAddress.
The alias assigned to the home office was 01.
The branches were assigned aliases 02 through 09.
When you fax to each other using T.38, you use #01 to
connect to the home office, and #02 through #09 for the
OKIFAX 5750/5950
General Conditions
To use the T.38 Internet fax,
The T.38 card for this machine can be connected to a
10 BaseT network
To make a LAN connection, the following information must
be configured on this machine. Your network administrator
will take care of this.
the machine must be connected to a LAN
the Address Table (found in the Console Software) must
be correctly set up
the end user must know the aliases assigned in the
Address Table (found in the Console Software)
an IPAddress
Determine if this is a Global or Private IPAddress
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
the aliases assigned in the Address Table must be
programmed (as One-Touch keys) in the facsimile
Feature Set Guide: English
Helpful Hints (T.38)
PSTN Faxing vs. T.38 Faxing
Your fax machine has many features and capabilities that will
help you
PSTN faxing is fax communication conducted via public
telephone lines. You are probably familiar with PSTN faxing.
PSTN faxing requires telephone numbers and telephone
operate the machine
save money
save time
“Help and Helpful Hints” in the User’s Guide summarizes the
features and capabilities directly connected to saving money
and time.
T.38 Internet fax is a special kind of Internet fax. T.38 faxing
uses network connections, but in a special way that allows
“direct” communication between one T.38 device and
another. This direct communication is done in real time.
“Helpful Hints (T.38)” provides tips that help you use your
T.38 Internet fax to its fullest.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Internet Fax
Global vs. Private IP Addresses
Internet fax is a term with several meanings, depending on
There are two types of IPAddresses.
Internet fax can mean
A global IP Address can be contacted by anyone with access
to the Internet.
fax communication conducted via the Internet.
a fax machine capable of Internet Faxing.
the document (fax) sent via the Internet.
A Private IPAddress is usually part of a corporate Intranet.
Private IP Addresses are usually “behind” a firewall (security
“Real-Time” Fax
“Real-Time” Fax is a type of facsimile transmission that uses
Internet Communication and Confirmation. Two fax
machines, using T.38 protocol, can provide “real-time” data
transmission connections via the Internet.
Private IP Addresses are not easily contacted via the Internet.
This document covers the installation and use of private IP
Addresses with a T.38 facsimile machine. For information on
working with global IP Addresses, contact your Authorized
Service Dealer.
Programming One-Touch Keys
When you program a One-Touch key with the alias for an IP
Address, program the alternate (back-up) number with a
standard PSTN (regular phone fax) number (if applicable).
If the T.38 connection does not work, your fax will be sent
using the “regular” fax method, PSTN.
Feature Set Guide: English
T.38 vs. PSTN Communications
Status of Server
You cannot combine T.38 communications and PSTN
Internet faxing is conducted over the Internet via network
communications in one session.
What does this mean?
If the servers are down, running slowly, or experiencing
other problems, Internet faxing will be adversely affected.
You can send a fax to several aliases for IPAddresses or
several telephone numbers, but not a combination of aliases
for IPAddresses and telephone numbers.
T.38 Internet faxing is a special kind of Internet fax. It is a
network device, because it must be connected to a network
to access the Internet. Other than that connection (access),
a T.38 Internet fax is not network dependent. The T.38
transmission will either instantly work or instantly fail. The
T.38 transmission must be real time.
“#” Symbol
When you use your fax machine to send or receive a T.38
protocol transmission, you must make sure that the machine
“knows” to use T.38.
To do this, enter the “#” symbol as the first character
whenever you input the alias for an IP Address (destination
number) for a T.38 facsimile communication.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
End User Information
Using the T.38 protocol for faxing is very similar to using
PSTN for faxing. This section covers the differences between
T.38 and PSTN faxing.
To use T.38 protocol for faxing, you must
communicate between two T.38-capable devices
know the IP Address of the destination you are sending
Be sure to refer to the User’s Guide for general information
about using your facsimile machine.
know if the IPAddress is Global or Private
have your Installer (Network Administrator) program
the Address Table via the Console Software
know the alias assigned to the IP Address (get this from
your Installer [NetworkAdministrator])
enter the “#” symbol as the first character whenever
you input an alias for a T.38 facsimile communication.
Feature Set Guide: English
Limitations and Suggestions
· You cannot combine T.38 and PSTN communications in
one fax transmission.
· To stop transmission, press STOP.
The transmission terminates immediately, without asking
· You cannot send and receive T.38 faxes simultaneously.
If your machine is sending a T.38 fax, any data to be
received is ignored.
for confirmation.
· You cannot chain dial using T.38.
· T.38 Internet fax data is sent nearly simultaneously to
being scanned. The document is not stored in memory.
· When the T.38 Internet fax board is installed in your
machine, Power Save does not work.
If your machine is receiving a T.38 fax, and you try to
send a fax, the data will not be sent until the receiving is
· When you program a One-Touch key with an alias for an
IPAddress, program the alternate (back-up) number with a
standard PSTN (regular phone fax) number.
If the T.38 connection does not work, your fax will be sent
using the “regular” fax method, PSTN.
· If the remote T.38 device supports the Relay, Confidential,
and Polling functions, you can do them. Refer to the
User’s Guide for more information.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
You can send or receive transmissions using T.38 protocol.
Sending a T.38 Fax
Your Installer (Network Administrator) must program
When you enter the alias (destination), and you are
the Address Table via the Console Software before you
can send or receive using T.38 protocol.
using T.38, you can enter the numbers 0 through 9 and
the symbols # and *. Any other characters or symbols
will be ignored.
Your Installer (Network Administrator) must program
the Address Table via the Console Software before you
can send or receive using T.38 protocol.
If you want to use a One Touch number, it must be
programmed before attempting T.38 transmission.
Feature Set Guide: English
Press Start.
Load the document.
The machine scans the document and the display shows
that a transmission is being attempted.
Select the method for entering the alias for destination
T.38 device.
For more information on entry methods, refer to the
User’s Guide, “Basic Faxing, Sending a Fax.”
Entry methods for T.38 transmissions are:
When the connection has been made between the
sending and receiving machines, the display changes.
Non-programmed aliases
also known as a Numeric Keypad or walk-up
Page 001
You must send the document as an Internet
See the following section (“Sending to a Non-
ProgrammedAlias”) for more information.
The transmission rate does not display during T.38
At the end of the transmission, the result of the
communication session shows on the display and a
buzzer sounds.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Sending to a Non-Programmed Alias
Also known as Numeric Keypad (Walk-up) T.38 faxing
Receiving a T.38 Fax
You do not need to perform any special procedures to receive
a T.38 Internet fax
If you want to send a T.38 Internet fax, but you do not want
to program the alias for the IPAddress as a One-Touch, you
must make sure that it is sent as an T.38 Internet transmission.
1 Load the document.
2 Press the # key.
The # symbol must be the first character entered for the
3 Input the alias.
You can enter the numbers 0 through 9 and the symbols
# and *.
Any other characters or symbols will be ignored.
4 Press Start.
Feature Set Guide: English
Troubleshooting (End User)
For an end user, troubleshooting a T.38 Internet fax is the
same as any other fax machine.
Error Codes (End User)
Contact your network administrator if any of these error
codes are displayed.
Refer to the User Guide, “Problem Solving.”
1501: Remote facsimile machine rejection
1502: GK rejection
Most problems with faxing using the T.38 protocol must be
referred to the NetworkAdministrator.
Refer to the Network Administrator section,
“Troubleshooting,” of this Feature Set Guide.
1503: No response
1504: Cancel
However, the end user should check the following items.
1505: Board BUSY
Make sure the remote machine is T.38 capable.
Make sure the # symbol is the first character in the alias
you are contacting.
1506: Phone number error
1507: GK not found
1508: DHCP failure
15FE: Board error
15FF: Board error
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Reports (End User)
Using T.38 does not generate any unique reports.
Activity Report
Codes on the Activity Report that refer to T.38
The standard reports of the machine include sections and
information about G3, as well as the “regular” information.
sessions have “IP” at the end.
Message Confirmation Report (MCF)
Configuration Report
There are no special codes on the Message
Confirmation Report for T.38 sessions.
The IPFAX Options section lists some of the T.38
(IPFAX) settings.
· IP Address
· Subnet Mask
· Default Gateway
· Mac Address
· DHCP On/Off
· Console Software Port Number
Feature Set Guide: English
Installer (Network Administrator)
Global vs. Private IP Addresses
There are two types of IPAddresses.
This section provides the information needed to install and
support a T.38 facsimile machine using private IP Addresses.
This section assumes that you are a qualified Network
Administrator and that you are familiar with network
technology and protocols.
A global IP Address can be contacted by anyone with access
to the Internet.
A private IPAddress is usually part of a corporate Intranet.
Private IP Addresses are usually “behind” a firewall (security
Private IP Addresses are not easily contacted via the Internet.
This document covers the installation and use of private IP
Addresses with a T.38 facsimile machine. For information on
working with global IP Addresses, contact your Authorized
Service Dealer.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
DHCP Setting (On or Off)
The factory default setting for DHCP is ON.
When DHCP is ON, and no DHCP Server exists, the following
settings apply:
You use the IPFax Console Software to change the setting for
DHCPfrom ON to OFF.
When DHCP is ON, and the unit is connected to a network
that employs a DHCP server, the unit will automatically be
assigned an IPAddress.
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
If you use this method, the DHCP server must be set to
infinite lease or reservation.
If you can’t use DHCP, use User Function 83 to initialize the
T.38 board. By doing this, DHCP is turned OFF. Then, use
User Functions listed below to make the appropriate settings.
The following settings apply when DHCP is turned OFF (by
initializing the T.38 board from the front panel of the
facsimile machine [User Function 8]:
· IP Address, User Function 80
· Subnet Mask, User Function 81
· Default Gateway, User Function 82
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Feature Set Guide: English
Determine the DHCP Setting
To determine if DHCP is ON or OFF, you can
Printing the Configuration Report
· use the IPFax Console software
· print the Configuration Report
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Press ᮡ to select Report Print, press Enter.
IPFax Console Software
Press ᮢ orᮡ until the report you want appears on the
Start the IPFax Console software.
display. Press Enter.
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
Print all the reports you want, then press Menu/Exit to
return to standby mode.
Connect the software to the T.38 device you want to
work with.
Click Change.
From the top menu, select Network.
If the Use DHCP box is checked, DHCP is ON.
If the Use DHCP box is not checked, DHCP is OFF.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Windows NT DHCP Server Settings
This section will provides basic information on working with
Windows NT DHCPServers.
IPAddress Pool
Set the Start Address and End Address for the IP
Addresses that can be leased
For more information, refer to your Windows NT Server
manual and resource kit.
Set the Start Address and End Address for the IP
Addresses that cannot be leased, if needed
The settings listed below are required for the T.38 board to
work with a Windows NT DHCPServer.
Sub-net Mask
Set the Subnet Mask that is valid for the IP Address
Default Gateway (Router)
IPAddresses (IPAddress Pool) must be leased
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Fix (reserve) assigned addresses to the T.38 board.
This is the DHCP option.
Add 003 Router with the DHCP server that assigns an
IPAddress to the T.38 board.
Then, set the Default Gateway valid with the IPAddress
Any other DHCP options are invalid.
Feature Set Guide: English
Fix (reserve) assigned addresses to the T.38 board.
If you use DHCP with the T.38, you must fix (reserve) the IP
Reserve IP Addresses individually at [Add Reservation]
on Scope.
There are two ways to do this.
We recommend using Method 2.
This allows IPAddresses to be fixed for MAC addresses.
They can be designated individually.
Select [Infinite] for Lease Duration at Properties on
This method allows any unused IP Addresses to be
This is easy to set.
However, address leasing made to all terminals is
If you remove a client from the network, the IP
Addresses cannot be reused.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Installation Process
As an installer, you will complete several steps.
Physical Installation
Physical Installation covers removing the facsimile machine
from its box, installing paper, physical connections, and
setup programming.
Physically install the T.38 facsimile machine
Obtain a static IPAddress for the T.38 facsimile
Program the IPAddress, Subnet Mask, and Default
Gateway for the T.38 facsimile machine.
Do this using User Functions in the menu of the
facsimile machine.
Refer to the User’s Guide, “Installation.”
Install the T.38 software (including the IP Fax Console
Software) on a PC on the network the T.38 machine is
attached to
Use the IP Fax Console Software to set up the Address
Table for the T.38 facsimile machine
Provide the aliases for the IPAddresses (set up in the
Address Table) to the end user
Feature Set Guide: English
Static IP Address
If you use DHCP to assign the IPAddress, make sure that the
Making an IP Address Static
address is made static.
If you are working with a DHCP server, you must make the IP
Address assigned to the T.38 facsimile machine static.
If you obtain the IP Address from another network
administrator, make sure that it is a static IPAddress.
There are two ways to make the IPAddress static. We
recommend Method 2.
Once the static IP Address is assigned, make sure that
In the Address Pool of the DHCP Server, set the Lease
Duration to “Infinite” for the IP Address(es) used by the
T.38 facsimile machines.
The default setting for DHCP is ON.
Refer to the section, “DHCP, Setting DHCP On or OFF”
of this T.38 section of the Feature Set Guide.
At “Add Reservation,” fix the IP Addresses individually.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Program the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default
User Functions 80, 81, and 82
Program the IPAddress, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway
by using the menu of the facsimile machine.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Use User Function 83, IPFAX Initialize to initialize the
Using the numeric keypad, enter the number of the User
Function you want to access.
T.38 board before you program the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway.
When you use User Function 83 to initialize the T.38
board, you turn DHCP OFF.
80 IPAddress
81 Subnet Mask
82 Default Gateway
User Function 83, IPFAX Initialize
Press Enter to access the selections for the setting.
Key in or select the desired information.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Using the numeric keypad, enter 83.
Press Enter.
The T.38 board initializes.
Feature Set Guide: English
Install the T.38 Software
Set Up the Address Table
The T.38 Software (which includes the IP Fax Console
Software) must be installed on a PC on the network that the
T.38 machine is attached to.
Use the IP Fax Console Software to set up the Address Table
for the T.38 facsimile machine.
You will need to know the IP Addresses of the T.38 devices
your users will be communicating with.
You will be assigning aliases to the IP Addresses you program
into the Address Table. These aliases must be shared with
your end users.
This document covers working with private IP
Addresses. If you are working with global IP
Addresses, contact your Authorized Service Dealer.
Creating the Alias
When creating aliases, DO NOT use the “#” symbol as
the first character.
You can use the numbers 0 through 9 and the symbols #
and * when creating the alias.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Provide Aliases to the End User
Provide the aliases for the IPAddresses (set up in the Address
Table) to the end user.
If you do not program the aliases to One-Touch keys, you
will need to provide a list of the aliases to your end users.
Remind your end users to enter the “#” symbol as the first
character whenever you input the alias for an IP Address
(destination number) for a T.38 facsimile communication.
We strongly recommend that you program the aliases to the
One-Touch or Auto Dial keys of the T.38 facsimile machine.
When programming the One-Touch keys, remember that
The “#” symbol “tells” the T.38 facsimile machine that the
user wants to use T.38 protocol to communicate with another
the “#” symbol must be the first character whenever you
input the alias for an IP Address (destination number)
for a T.38 facsimile communication.
Feature Set Guide: English
Call Control
ITU-T H.323
1 port
Fax Communication Method
Unique to the facsimile machine
OKIFAX 5750/5950
T.38 Menu Options
Accessing Menu Options
Use User Function 83, IPFAX Initialize to initialize the
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
T.38 board before you program the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway.
When you use User Function 83 to initialize the T.38
board, you turn DHCP OFF.
Using the numeric keypad, enter the number of the User
Function you want to access.
80 IPAddress
You can use the front panel of the facsimile machine to
access the following T.38 menu options.
81 Subnet Mask
82 Default Gateway
User Function 80: IPAddress
83 IPFax Initialize
User Function 81: Subnet Mask
User Function 82: Default Gateway
User Function 83: IPFax Initialize
Press Enter to access the selections for the setting.
Key in or select the desired information.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Feature Set Guide: English
Problem Solving
No communication
Verify that the “#” symbol was the first character entered
when sending the facsimile.
Does the port number used in IPFAX communication
match the IPFAX of the remote machine?
Verify that the Address Table in the IPFax Console
Software is correctly programmed.
Is the remote device T.38 compliant?
Is the connected network 10 BaseT?
Are any of the following service codes shown on the
display panel of the facsimile machine?
This facsimile machine does not support 100 BaseT.
Remote facsimile machine rejection
GK rejection
No response
Board BUSY
Phone number error
GK not found
DHCP failure
Board error
Board error
OKIFAX 5750/5950
The machine uses PSTN, not T.38
Connecting private address to global addresses
For information on working with global IP Addresses, contact
your Authorized Service Dealer.
Verify that the end user is entering “#” as the first
character when entering the alias for the IPAddress.
Identify the PSTN number the facsimile is sending to.
Communication errors occur
Network conditions can cause delays in data transfers.
Ask the end user if they are using a One-Touch key to
The delays can cause communication errors.
Check the programming of the One-Touch key. A PSTN
number may be entered as the alternate (backup) number.
If this frequently occurs, increase the setting for the TCP
Timer (via the IPFax Console Software).
If the network is down, the T.38 facsimile machine will
send to the alternate (backup) PSTN number.
Feature Set Guide: English
Software Programs on the CD
General Information
The CD shipped with the facsimile contains the
Operating Systems
IPFax Console Software
Discovery Program
Windows 98
Windows 95
Windows NT 4.0
Windows 2000
The IPFax Console Software allows you to
connect to the T.38 board, using TCP/UDP
display T.38 facsimile settings
change T.38 facsimile settings
install the programs
Screen size equal to or larger than SVGA (800x600)
Free Disk Space
The Discovery Program allows you to:
2 MB
to find T.38 boards on the LAN
create a list of the T.38 boards on the LAN
connect the T.38 boards with the console software
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Installing the Software Programs
If you are reinstalling the software, you must uninstall
the old program first.
Accessing the Software Programs
IPFax Console Software
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
Discovery Program
Close all open programs.
Insert the CD into the CD drive.
Run Setup (from the CD).
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX discovery.
Follow the on-screen prompts.
When the installation is complete, reboot the PC.
Feature Set Guide: English
IPFax Console Software
Software Installation for a T.38 device
Click OK.
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
The IPFax Password screen appears.
The default password is IPFAX
IPFAX is all uppercase, single byte characters.
Passwords must be single byte characters.
Click OK.
Select File(F) - Connect(N).
At the prompt, enter the IP Address of the T.38 device
you are installing.
At the prompt, enter the TCP Port Nos.
The default setting for the TCP Port is 50200.
The T.38 device is now installed to the Console
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Status Screen
The Status screen displays the status of the following items
Usable: the LAN may be used for communication
Device Mode
Communication (channel status)
Unusable: the LAN may not be used for communication
Displays the alias address.
Alias Address is used with Gatekeeper.
Refer to the “Gatekeeper” section of this T.38 information.
Device Mode
Operation indicates operation mode
Install indicates install mode
Communication (channel status)
Line closed: the line can’t be used.
Displays the IPAddress.
Idling: the line can be used and no communication is
Sending: the line is being used and the device is sending.
Arriving: the line is being used and the device is
Communicating: the line is being used and
communication is in progress using IPFAX line.
Feature Set Guide: English
Display Screen
Clicking on Cancel closes the screen.
The IPFax Console Software has two types of screens for
working with the network settings of a T.38 device.
Clicking on Save saves the setting values to a PC file and
then closes the screen.
Display Screens
Change Screens
The Display Screens allow you to view the settings. You
cannot change the settings from this screen.
Change Screen
Clicking on OK implements any changes you have made and
then closes the screen.
The Change Screens allow you to change the network
Clicking on Cancel closes the screen without saving any
changes you have made.
Both the Display Screen and the Change Screen show the
same settings for
Clicking on Save saves the setting values to a PC file,
implements any changes you have made, and then closes the
Address Table
Clicking on Read from a File allows you to display the
settings previously saved to a PC file.
To access the screens, run the IPFax Console Software,
connect to the T.38 device you want to work with, and click
on either Set Display or Set Change.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Network Settings
The settings shown on the Network Settings Display and
Change Screens are:
Host Name
The default setting is OKIFAX5950.
The host name may be up to 32 characters long.
You must use English, single byte characters.
Host Name
Each device has a unique value that cannot be changed.
Default Gateway
Subnet Mask
The default setting is Use DHCP (DHCP is ON).
The box is checked.
TCP Port No. for receiving
TCP Port No. for Console
TCP Port No.
Once a static IP Address has been assigned to the T.38
device, make sure that Use DHCP is OFF.
The box is not checked.
UDP Port No.
When DHCP is ON, you cannot change the settings for IP
Address, Default Gateway, or Subnet Mask.
Port No. Offset
TCP Handshake T.O. Value (Sec)
T38 Transmission Speed
Feature Set Guide: English
The default setting is USE NAT OFF.
There is no default setting.
The IP Address must be static to use T.38 protocol.
The box is not checked.
Default Gateway
USE NAT must be ON to work with global IPAddress.
The box must be checked.
There is no default setting.
If you want to delete the Gateway Address, enter
For information on working with global IPAddresses,
contact your Authorized Service Dealer.
Subnet Mask
Global Address
The default setting is
TCP Port No. for receiving
The default setting is 1720.
TCP Port No. for Console
The default setting is 50200.
TCP Port No.
There is no default setting.
This setting is used when working with global IP
For information on working with global IPAddresses,
contact your Authorized Service Dealer.
Port No. Offset
The default setting is 50000.
Settings may range from 50000 to 50099.
UDP Port No.
There is no default setting.
This setting is used when working with global IP
For information on working with global IPAddresses,
contact your Authorized Service Dealer.
The default setting is 50100.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
TCP Handshake T.O. Value (Sec)
The default setting is 30 seconds.
Default Value Button
The Default Value button on the Network Settings Change
screen allows you to reset the Network Settings to factory
This setting determines the amount of time in seconds)
allowed to make the TCP connection.
You can set the interval from 1 to 99.
T38 Transmission Speed
Use the Save button to save the current setting values to a PC
file before resetting to factory defaults.
The default setting is 1 Mbps.
This setting determines the maximum data transfer speed.
All communications occur within this speed.
We do not recommend changing this setting.
This setting is the maximum data transfer speed.
Actual transfer speeds will vary.
Feature Set Guide: English
List of Settings
In multi-office configurations, a Gatekeeper can provide
centralized address translation and controls access to a H.323
terminal network. It ensures that bandwidth is managed
properly and provides one central location to simplify day-
to-day maintenance and support of the network. At the time
of the publication of this document (see the copyright
information at the front of this manual), the only Gatekeeper
recommended for use with the Oki T.38 device is the
Oki BS1200-GK.
The settings shown on the Gatekeeper Settings Display and
Change Screens are:
Use Gatekeeper
If you would like more information on this product, please
UDP Port No.
GettingAlias address from GK
RAS Message
Oki Network Technologies
1101 Cadillac Court
Milpitas, CA 95035-3055
Toll Free: 1-800-641-8909
TEL: (408) 935-3331
FAX: (408) 935-3337
Both Time Out and Retry intervals are shown for each
RAS Message setting
OKIFAX 5750/5950
(GK) IPAddress
The default setting is
Sets the IPAddress of the Gatekeeper.
The default setting is 2000.
Use Gatekeeper
This must be set manually if Gatekeeper Discovery is not
Determines if Gatekeeper is used or not.
The default setting is Use Gatekeeper OFF.
The box is not checked.Gatekeeper is not used.
(GK) Identifier
There is no default setting.
If Use Gatekeeper is ON, the box is checked.
Gatekeeper is used.
The Gatekeeper with this identifier is used to run
Gatekeeper Discovery.
UDP Port No.
Determines if Gatekeeper Discovery is performed or not.
The default setting is 1719.
GettingAlias address from GK
Determines if Gatekeeper allocates Alias.
The default setting is Use Gatekeeper OFF.
The box is not checked.
Gatekeeper Discovery is not used.
The default setting is Getting Alias OFF.
The box is not checked.
Gatekeeper does not allocate the Alias.
If Use Gatekeeper is ON, the box is checked.
Gatekeeper Discovery is used.
When Use Gatekeeper is ON, you cannot set Gatekeeper
Address, because the address will be automatically
assigned via Gatekeeper Discovery.
If Getting Alias is ON, the box is checked.
Gatekeeper allocates the Alias.
When Getting Alias is ON, you cannot set the Gatekeeper
Alias Address, because the alias will be automatically
allocated by Gatekeeper.
Feature Set Guide: English
RAS Message
Each item under RAS Messages has two different settings.
Time-out default is 5 seconds.
Number of retries default is 2.
The Time-out Time determines the amount of time
Gatekeeper has to respond to each message.
The Number of Retries determines how many retries
Gatekeeper will perform for each message.
Time-out default is 3 seconds.
Number of retries default is 1.
Time-out default is 3 seconds.
Number of retries default is 2.
Time-out default is 3 seconds.
Number of retries default is 2.
Time-out default is 3 seconds.
Number of retries default is 2.
Time-out default is 3 seconds.
Number of retries default is 2.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Address Table
The Address Table in the IPFax Console Software is a registry
of the IP Addresses and aliases for the T.38 devices your T.38
Internet facsimile machine can communicate with.
Sorting the Address Table
You can use the Sort box to change the sequence of the
Address Table.
You can register up to 100 T.38 devices in the Address Table.
Use Sort to arrange the Address Table by:
When you are using T.38 communication protocols, the
T.38 Internet facsimile machine can only communicate
with the IP Addresses registered in the Address Table.
· Alias Address
· IP Address
· Port No.
Fields in the Address Table
The IP Addresses must be static.
The Address Table has three fields.
This document covers the installation and use of private
IP Addresses with a T.38 facsimile machine. For
information on working with global IP Addresses,
contact your Authorized Service Dealer.
· Alias Address
· IP Address
· Port No.
You do not key the information directly into the table. Use
the boxes below the table to add or modify the information
for a T.38 device.
You can register up to 100 T.38 devices in the Address Table.
Feature Set Guide: English
Explanation of Fields
You determine the alias address.
There are two types of IPAddresses.
The alias is the number used at the T.38 facsimile machine
to contact the remote T.38 device. The alias is usually a
shorter number used as a label (alias) for the longer IP
· Global
· Private
This document covers the installation and use of private IP
Addresses with a T.38 facsimile machine. For information
on working with global IP Addresses, contact your
Authorized Service Dealer.
You work at the home office of a bank. There are eight
branch offices that you communicate with. All nine
locations have T.38 Internet facsimile machines. Each of
the nine locations has a unique, ten-digit IP Address.
When you set up the machines, you assign an alias to each
of the nine IPAddresses.
Port No.
This is the Port Number of the receiving machine.
Normally, this is 1720.
The alias assigned to the home office is 01.
The branches are assigned aliases 02 through 09.
When you fax to each other using T.38, you use #01 to
connect to the home office, and #02 through #09 for the
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Working with the Address Table
Change a Device
Add a Device
Click on the row of the Address Table you want to
change (edit).
Use the box Alias Address below the table to enter the
alias for the T.38 device you are registering.
The information for that row appears in the boxes (input
fields) below the table.
Use the box IP Address below the table to enter the IP
Address for the T.38 device you are registering.
Make the changes.
Use the box Port No. below the table to enter the Port
Number for the T.38 device you are registering.
Click Change.
Click Add.
The changes you have made for the T.38 device are
added to the table.
The information for the T.38 device is added to the table.
Click OK or Save to download the information to the
T.38 card.
Click OK or Save to download the information to the
T.38 card.
Remember to inform your end users of relevant changes
to the Address Table. Your end users use the aliases to
contact the remote T.38 devices.
Remember to inform your end users of relevant changes
to the Address Table. Your end users use the aliases to
contact the remote T.38 devices.
Feature Set Guide: English
Clear a Device
Clear the Entire Table
Click on the row of the Address Table you want to clear
Make sure that you want to delete the entire table
before performing this procedure!
“All Clear” cannot be undone.
Do a Windows Print Screen of the table before
performing “All Clear”. The Print Screen will provide
a record of settings.
Click Clear.
The row you selected is deleted from the table.
Click OK or Save to download the information to the
T.38 card.
Click All Clear.
Remember to inform your end users of relevant changes
to the Address Table. Your end users use the aliases to
contact the remote T.38 devices.
All information registered to the Address Table is
Click OK or Save to download the information to the
T.38 card.
Remember to inform your end users of relevant changes
to the Address Table. Your end users use the aliases to
contact the remote T.38 devices.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Changing the Password
Enter the new password in the new Password field.
The password is IPFAX until you change it.
IPFAX is all upper case, single-byte characters.
A password MUST be entered; you cannot leave this
field blank.
To change the password,
Confirm the new password by entering it in the Type in
New Password again field.
Start the IPFax Console software.
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
Click OK to download the new password to the device.
Connect the software to the T.38 device you want to
work with.
10 The Change Password screen closes.
From the top tool bar, select Maintenance.
From the drop down menu, select Change Password.
The Change Password screen displays.
Be sure to record any password you program. Keep the
record in a safe place. If you forget a password, refer to
the “Forgot the Password?” of the T.38 section of the
Feature Set Guide.
Enter the old password in the Old Password field.
The password is IPFAX until you change it.
IPFAX is all upper case, single-byte characters.
Feature Set Guide: English
Forget the Password?
Printing the Configuration Report
If you forget the password, perform this procedure.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Print the Configuration Report.
Press ᮡ to select Report Print, press Enter.
Initialize the T.38 board (using User Function 83).
Press ᮢ orᮡ until the report you want appears on the
display. Press Enter.
Program the IPAddress, Subnet Mask, and Default
Gateway (User Functions 80, 81, and 82).
Print all the reports you want, then press Menu/Exit to
Use the default password (IPFAX)
return to standby mode.
create a new password.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Use User Function 83, IPFAX Initialize to initialize the
T.38 board before you program the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway.
When you use User Function 83 to initialize the T.38
board, you turn DHCP OFF.
User Functions 80, 81, and 82
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Using the numeric keypad, enter the number of the User
Function you want to access.
80 IPAddress
User Function 83, IPFAX Initialize
81 Subnet Mask
82 Default Gateway
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
Using the numeric keypad, enter 83.
Press Enter.
Press Enter to access the selections for the setting.
Key in or select the desired information.
Press Menu/Exit to enter the menu.
The T.38 board initializes.
Feature Set Guide: English
Updating the T.38 Board Firmware
Firmware upgrades are developed on an as needed
To upgrade the firmware,
Start the IPFax Console software.
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
To learn if a firmware upgrade is available, contact
your Oki Data Authorized Service Dealer.
Connect the software to the T.38 device you want to
work with.
You must have the file with the firmware upgrade before
you begin this procedure.
From the top tool bar, select Maintenance.
From the drop down menu, select Update.
The Program Renew screen displays.
Click Refer to . . . to select the firmware upgrade file
The T.38 facsimile machine cannot be used for
communications while the upgrade is being performed.
enter the firmware upgrade filename.
Click Update.
The firmware upgrade begins.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
DO NOT turn off the T.38 facsimile machine while the
upgrade is in progress.
When the firmware upgrade is complete, the Ended Data
Renewal screen appears.
Click OK.
If the machine is turned off, it will malfunction when it
is turned on. The machine will also malfunction if an
error occurs at the PC during the firmware upgrade.
10 The Program Renew screen displays.
11 Click Close.
12 The Program Renew screen closes.
To correct the problem, you must upgrade the firmware
Feature Set Guide: English
Memory Dump
Memory Dump displays the contents of the T.38 board’s
In the Read Address (Hex) box, use a hexadecimal
number to enter the top address of the memory you wish
to dump.
memory. It is not a procedure you will normally
Click Read Memory.
The T.38 facsimile machine cannot be used for
The dump contents are displayed on the screen.
communications while the upgrade is being performed.
The dump contents are 1 Kbyte of data from the top
When is DHCP set to ON, you cannot upload more than
one machine at a time on the same broadcast domain.
Click Back to move down from the top address in
400[Hex] increments.
To perform a Memory Dump,
Start the IPFax Console software.
Click Next to move up from the top address in 400[Hex]
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
Click Save in a file to save the display contents in a file
on the PC.
Connect the software to the T.38 device you want to
work with.
Click Close to end the memory dump.
From the top tool bar, select Maintenance.
From the drop down menu, select Memory Dump.
The Memory Dump screen displays.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Version Information
Discovery Program
If you need technical support on this product, you may need
to provide the software version information.
The Discovery Program allows you to find T.38 devices on
the network.
To identify the versions of the device programs and the
console software,
To use the Discovery Program, you must know the
Subnet Address of the network you are working with.
Start the IPFax Console software.
“9” is used as the UDP port number on the PC.
If this number is being used by another application, you
cannot run the Discovery Program at the same time as
the application. Close the application first, then open
the Discovery Program.
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX console.
Connect the software to the T.38 device you want to
work with.
From the top tool bar, select Help.
From the drop down menu, select Version Information.
The Version Information screen displays.
Click OK to close the Version Information Screen.
Feature Set Guide: English
To use the Discovery Program,
Adding to the Discovery List
Start the Discovery Program
Click Discovery to add a device to the list.
On the desktop, select Start – Programs – IPFAX
Clearing the Discovery List
Enter the broadcast address in the Broadcast Address
field. Be sure to enter 255 for the host address.
Click Clear to clear the contents of the list.
To use the Discovery Program, you must know the
Subnet Address of the network you are working with.
Saving the Discovery List
Click Save in the File menu to save the list.
To access the saved Discovery List,
Click Load in the File menu.
Click Discovery.
If a list already exists, it is displayed in the Discovery
The Discovery Table can have 256 addresses.
OKIFAX 5750/5950
Connecting to the IPFax Console Software from the
Discovery Program
Changing the Password for Connecting to the
To connect to the IPFax Console Software from the Discovery
In the Discovery Program, from the File Menu, click
Password Set.
Using the Discovery List,
The Password Input Screen displays.
Enter the password.
double-click on desired console connection destination.
Click OK.
click on desired console connection destination
and then click Console.
Finding the Version of the Discovery Program
The console software starts and connects to the T.38
device at the IP Address you selected.
In the Discovery Program, from the Help Menu, click
Version Information.
The Discovery Program will use the password IPFAX.
The Version Information Screen displays.
If a different password has been set for the remote device,
you will be prompted to enter the different password.
Feature Set Guide: English
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